How to post pics?

How do you insert a pic into a thread? Does it need to be hosted onilne?


  • Here is a link to a tutorial.
  • bah..

    1. Host a pic on photobucket or flicker or whatever.
    2. Copy direct link to clipboard
    3. Click little square box above that looks like it has a pic of a mountain in it
    4. Paste link into pop-up
    5. Profit
  • When you reply to a thread you will see Additional Options below...then you should see:
    Attach Files Valid file extensions: bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd txt zip
  • Specifically .txt, it would be helpful for maybe posting larger HHs as attachments as opposed to right in the content. 19K just isn't enough. 100k would be better.

    Edit: increate=increase
  • This thread is no longer useless!

  • GTA POKER IS GOING TO POST n00dz?!?!?!?!

    Why wasn't I notified immediately?
  • Hmmm...that would be just between us though.
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