Summer has arrived??

Looks like another summer is starting..

Along with this comes all the idoits driving once again.. It is crazy out there.. People need to learn to slow down I dont care what the weather is .. It just seems like all the freaks are out racing already trying to kill each other and the innocents watching them.. Already, on are highways there have been accidents that have killed .. when will people learn that cars and trucks and bikes are machines that can kill.. not only themselves but others as well.

I as a rule do not drive on highways such as the 400 or 401. And when I do, I always think when I get to were it is I am going. Thank you for letting me get there alive.. When will people wake up and realize that it is not worth losing your live or someone elses..

This just gets me going ever time I hear there was another accident on our highways and senseless death caused by it..

Please people slow down arrive safe to your destinations.. Keep your eyes out for the bikers..


  • Keep your eyes out for the bikers..

    This is one of my pet peeves: people who tailgate motorcycles, or don't look properly in their blind spots for them when changing lanes...soooo dangerous.
  • but on the upside

  • Agreed.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    but on the upside


  • philliivey wrote: »
    but on the upside


    +1 :D
  • I for one would like to echo Kristy's comments here.

    As a motorcycle rider, I fear for my life every time I hit the road.

    We really do appreciate just being given that little extra bit of space, especially when you're behind us. It becomes really difficult to focus on what is going on in front of you and beside you, when the guy behind you is impatiently creeping up on your rear wheel.

  • I as a rule do not drive on highways such as the 400 or 401.

    I wish I had that option. Unfortunetly, it's the only way for me to get to work in reasonable time. I drive approx 130km to and from work along 4 major highways so I see a lot of bad driving. There are so many people who simply should not be allowed to operate anything motorized.
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    I wish I had that option. Unfortunetly, it's the only way for me to get to work in reasonable time. I drive approx 130km to and from work along 4 major highways so I see a lot of bad driving. There are so many people who simply should not be allowed to operate anything motorized.

    Come visit me in Vancouver. If they didn't invent bad driving here, they certainly perfected it.
  • if you haven't been in a rush hour in Montreal you've seen nothing as far as crazy driving goes.
  • Pacific Mall parking lot ftw.

    It's people who merge at like 40-60km/hr onto a highway going 90+km/hr that piss me off. And if you are in the far right lane, don't slow down for those idiots who are merging that slow...there's cars going 90+km behind you.
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