Anyone here support the Liberal Party?

If so, have you had enough of their spineless nonsense yet?

Just wondering.


  • There's a Liberal Party?
  • Every Friday booze I hear
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Every Friday booze I hear

    I thought that was the NDP so they can complain that there is not enough being done by the gov't to help those afflicted with alcoholism. ;)
  • Liberal party, no....

    Liberal party vs. another party? probably

  • I support them. I'll admit they've seen better times but I'll put their history of making Canada a better place to live up against any other party any day.
  • I support them. I'll admit they've seen better times but I'll put their history of making Canada a better place to live up against any other party any day.

    That's actually an extremely interesting statement, and I invite you to expand on it.

    I'll be honest in saying I'm not a super super political guy. I support social justice issues I believe in with both my time and money, but I don't follow the day to day happenings on the hill.

    For me, I just watch the Liberals get smacked around the house by pretty much everyone, and I sort of feel like they have it coming.

    If my job was "Official Opposition", and I deliberately took a position of "non opposition" because it was politically unhealthy for me, I would expect to be fired.

    If they oppose certain pieces of legislation then they need to oppose those pieces of legislation with their votes. Not attack them verbally and then fold like Johnny Chan in a hand against yours truly when everything is on the line. It just makes them look ridiculous.

    They need to take the Charles Atlas program or something.

    P.S: That Dion was sooooo the wrong guy for the job.
  • dinobot wrote: »

    P.S: That Dion was sooooo the wrong guy for the job.

    That's all that needed to be said.

    They tried to make change for the sake of change. In it's current form they are a rudderless ship. But they will be back.

    In a few years Justin Trudeau will Obamasise Canadian politics. You heard it here first.
  • That's all that needed to be said.

    They tried to make change for the sake of change. In it's current form they are a rudderless ship. But they will be back.

    In a few years Justin Trudeau will Obamasise Canadian politics. You heard it here first.

    I doubt that anyone would have heard it here first, but I think I agree with you.

    May I ask who you personally supported during that leadership run. I lived in Ontario when Bob Rae ran the place, so I couldn't imagine him in there.

    Ignatieff seemed like a decent option, but I was confused by his stance on the war in Iraq.
  • My favourite was Ken Dryden GO HABS GO!

    Just kidding. I actually thought that if the party wanted change so badly they should have gone with Gerard Kennedy. Of course he should be the Premier of Ontario right now.
  • Justin Trudeau is an empty suit, and Kennedy would be happier with the NDP, but chose Liberal in order to get a job (elected). The guy they should have picked was, God help me for saying this, Bob Rae. Do I support the Liberal Party. No, I do not. But Rae would have been a better pick than any of the others at the time of the convention.

    And Dino, the main reason that Rae was a disaster in Ontario was that
    a) No one expected him to take power
    b) The economy hit the skids soon after he took office, and
    c) He could not go against the NDP platform, thus worsening the economy with B A D policy

    The Liberals should kill this parliament, and let the Conservatives take a majority into the coming recession. That will give them five years to pump up their previous fiscal record (a good one), while hammering the Conservatives for screwing the pooch. Then, in 5 years time, the new guy rides in on the coattails of an economic slowdown that No one could have stopped, but that the sheeple will blame on Harper and his crew.
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