georgetown game directions

If anyone has them, please send them to me in a private message.

Apologies if this is the wrong section or something.


  • they have a game in georgetown? wow, when did that start up?

    you'd think the cops would be reading this forum, just waiting to hear news like this...
  • Take the main drag (Hwy 7 or whatever they're calling it these days), through the built up area (malls, Neilson plant, etc.). It'll bend left with a housing subdivision on your left hand side. On your right, behind a fenced wall, you will see a driveway, at the top of which is a large structure with a tower at one end. It'll probably be dark so don't bother with reading the name on the wall by the gate. The owners are cool with the game. Just head up to the main building of the compound, and ask to speak with Jésus. That is IMPORTANT. Jésus is the password, and you MUST use it to gain entry. Enjoy the game.:D
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