- = Poker In Oakville 2nite = -


SUNDAY NITE GAME 9pm start.....

post a msg here and then we'll see if the games on.... if you're interested...

buy in is $20... $20 rebuys for the 1st 5 levels..... 20 minute blinds.. HIGH patience factor early on... and below to above avg skilled players...

BLINDS ARE: 10 - 15.... 15 - 25..... 25 - 50.... 50-75... 50.. 100 (end of rebuys)... 75- 150...
1 - 2..... 1.5 - 3.... 2 - 4.... etc.. etc....

let me know if your interested... with this late notice....



  • sounds like the game is a go... with 7 players for sure right now.. and possibly a couple more.....

    GAME START TIME SHOULD BE 10 - 1030pm....

    pretty late... ill update again for anyone who might wanna know...

  • Hi, Big_Chips. I read your thread too late, but I'll try to go another time.
  • Big Chips
    what is the start stack? what is the payout?
  • Monksy wrote: »
    Big Chips
    what is the start stack? what is the payout?

    payout varies... based on total amount of $ in the pot... but at least 3 players pay out usually (we get a good amounts of rebuys usually)..... and we have a chart on the wall that shows all payouts ... so there's never any problems....

    start stack is 1500... rebuy at 0 chips... for first 5 blinds....(1hr 20 mins)
  • we're having a game 2nite... we have about 8 players so far..... 9pm ...915pm latest (late arrivals sometimes) Start time....

    lemme know if you're interested....

  • Let us know if you decide to host a game again. I would definitely be interested in participating next time.
  • Hello Big Chips,

    I just recently moved to Oakville. Were you able to get any game going in this are? I'd love to join if opening are available.

  • It might be better to send him a PM as this post was a while back. Good luck! Graham
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