New Arcade games?

We gonna get any new arcade games? They haven't been updated in awhile and are a nice way to kill time while working an afternoon shift :)


  • Ercules wrote: »
    We gonna get any new arcade games? They haven't been updated in awhile and are a nice way to kill time while working an afternoon shift :)

    And get rid of Suicide Puppy! That game is so disturbing...but additive as hell!
  • I'll add it to the list of things to be done ( / learn how to do)...thanks!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And get rid of Suicide Puppy! That game is so disturbing...but additive as hell!

    How on earth did I not find that game earlier?
  • How on earth did I not find that game earlier?

    Don't know...but you lost your title already ;)

    Its soooooo sick...but I can't help by play it.
  • The games in the Arcade are so interesting.It is so interesting to play.I like all the games.
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