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Waiting in Brantford
I went to Brantford on Wednesday night after work. I got there at about 12:30am (thursday morning) and put my name on the list for both the 2-5 and 5-10. I was 27th on the list for 5-10 and 22nd on the list for 2-5. What I don't understand is they have five new tables in the other room that were going unused. There was mob of people on the rail waiting to get in. Why not open the other tables? Also does anyone know the proper channels to make an official complaint with Brantford. This has to stop. There is enough interest to have all tables open. Anyways, finally got on the 2-5 at about 3am and finished at 5:30am up a whopping $3.
a big reason for railbirding is that most casinos don't have a great system for announcing when your seat comes up, at least rama and gbh don't
I'm sure some do--and I don't have any problem with that obviously--but I don't. If I have to wait 2 hours, I'll either read a book for 2 hours, or leave. So, if the *main* reason that they're keeping long lists is to get the players to play other games, they may be missing the fact that some (maybe most? not sure...) players won't play other games, at all. The casino might make more money just simply opening the other hold'em tables.
As for announcing when the seat becomes available, I think that Brantford and GBH are great. Both of these places use the general PA system, heard throughout the entire casino. Rama is, as you mentioned, terrible. You have to stay close to the poker room, or you won't hear your name.
And I think that using 'Keg-style' pagers is a great idea, and I think I read in CPP that River Rock uses them.
The wait is always very short as they go from 8 tables to 12. By 3 o clock there is a very long wait.
Doesn't help if you can only go on weeknights, but if you've got a flexible schedule, this is a good option that we've used several times and has worked very well each time.
You look at the list and see that 20 people are in line but only maybe 6-7 are sitting around, the simple fact is that the rest are all over the casino.
Plus always having a shortage of tables, increases the the appeal. People don't want to leave there seats out of risking that they won't get back on a table soon.