Seal Hunt 2008

'Tis the season once again. The annual Maritime Seal Hunt is underway in the waters of the St Lawerence and other Atlantic seaways.

The controversy of the hunt is well documented. Its been going on for decades, and for the longest time, was a standard way of life for many maritimers. In fact, if not for the hunt, many maritimes would have extremely hard done by in the old days, after a long cold winter and dwindling food stores threatened their existence.

Now, though, the biggest question is if the hunt really is justified any longer by any group.

Should the hunt continue, or be banned entirely? If banned, what would replace it for those that depend on it for their own and their families survival, if anything?


  • I voted no... simply because the way the animals are killed is kinda cruel.
    (Well... I guess we could say cows are killed in a cruel way but that meat is more needed than seals).

    I'm not some crazy activist but I don't see the necessity in seal hunting.
  • I voted no also... let nature sort itself out IMO
  • I voted yes.

    When done properly the clubbing is no worse than what happens to a cow in a slaughter house. It's just seals are cuter and those cute whitecoats that they sooo like to use in their propoganda cannot be killed.

    You bet if they were clubbing snakes there would be no outcry.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    You bet if they were clubbing snakes there would be no outcry.
    You don't club snakes. You whack snakes. And that's on a totally different holiday. :)

  • g2 wrote: »
    You don't club snakes. You whack snakes. And that's on a totally different holiday. :)


    Damn right plus if it's in The Simpsons it's allright with me :)
  • g2 wrote: »
    You don't club snakes. You whack snakes. And that's on a totally different holiday. :)


    LMFAO! Post of the Day! Only if it's done slow then fast......

    To the OP. I voted yes. Most of the seals killed will die of starvation anyway, and I believe most of the hunting is for adult seals, yes? Despite the baby clubbing you see on TV. So the hunt is OK by me. (mmm...seal flipper pie....) The hunt has a true economic purpose, unlike say Fox hunting.

    Hobbes is correct. Any animal that is killed by humans is done so fairly inhumanly. Is there good way to die? No.
  • Voted for murderous bastards, just because I loved the way you slanted your polling AJ. In all seriousness, I say let 'em go to it. If we let other groups carry on their (sometimes bloody) traditions, why not this one as well?
  • Club away.
  • In 2005, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) commissioned the Independent Veterinarians Working Group Report. With reference to video evidence, the report states: "Perception of the seal hunt seems to be based largely on emotion, and on visual images that are often difficult even for experienced observers to interpret with certainty. While a hakapik strike on the skull of a seal appears brutal, it is humane if it achieves rapid, irreversible loss of consciousness leading to death."

    Easy answer... Like many poker decisions you have to get your emotions out of the equation.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Voted for murderous bastards, just because I loved the way you slanted your polling AJ. In all seriousness, I say let 'em go to it. If we let other groups carry on their (sometimes bloody) traditions, why not this one as well?

    For the record, I'm PRO HUNT on this issue. Not only does it provide for the people (arguably not like it once had too, but still many rely on it for their own existence), but also for the dramatic impact it has had on other issues. There's a reason the cod numbers are down, and this is one of them...too many seals!

    The PRIMARY reason for this thread was to gauge reaction to some groups that have mandated their cause to cease the hunt at any cost. Lying, cheating, threatening, and even endangering the lives of those participating in the hunt, as well as the Coast Guard protecting them, to try to stop the hunt altogether.

    Reference to the method of harvest has been made...its a fact that some clubbing still occurs, but most of the harvest is done by high powered rifle these days. Still, the club is an effective means of dispatching an animal, just looks gruesome, and THIS is the picture that the world sees. And no matter what it takes, animal rights groups will continue to flood this image to whomsoever will listen or look, and make lies to get their fellowships to join them in their march.
  • Not trying to start a flame-war AJ, but the whole seals up/cod down correlation cannot be proven scientifically. Cod stocks dropped primarily as a result of how they were being (over)harvested.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not trying to start a flame-war AJ, but the whole seals up/cod down correlation cannot be proven scientifically. Cod stocks dropped primarily as a result of how they were being (over)harvested.

    Not arguing that whatsoever. Just saying the increased numbers have also impacted the fishery as well.
  • Fair enough, club away to their hearts content, say I . . .
  • No, all sealers are murdering and there is no need for the hunt
  • sreeja wrote: »
    No, all sealers are murdering and there is no need for the hunt
    Couple questions

    Murdering what, exactly? Your post does not specify what they are murdering.

    Also, there has got to be a "hunt". The damn seals don't swim up to your door, you know . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Couple questions

    Murdering what, exactly? Your post does not specify what they are murdering.

    Also, there has got to be a "hunt". The damn seals don't swim up to your door, you know . . .

    Obviously he thinks the hunt is murder. The images in the media show the hunt in a rather gruesome manner. Thats why they show it!

    I think the purpose of this thread is to open a discussion, and maybe broaden your own horizons.

    Here is a link:

    The Atlantic seal hunt – FAQs
  • Great link Johnnie, thanks. It does answer a lot of the common questions and puts facts in place where myths are currently.

    The greatest fact is one sealer, or group of sealers for that matter, EVER made the kind of money that Greenpeace and other organizations have on the seal hunt!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Obviously he thinks the hunt is murder. The images in the media show the hunt in a rather gruesome manner. Thats why they show it!

    I think the purpose of this thread is to open a discussion, and maybe broaden your own horizons.

    Here is a link:

    The Atlantic seal hunt – FAQs

    Okay, I gotta come up with some sort of sarcasm "smilie" for you guys. Either that, or you could just take it for granted. I don't know . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, I gotta come up with some sort of sarcasm "smilie" for you guys. Either that, or you could just take it for granted. I don't know . . .

    NAHHHHHHHH, we knew you was jes joshing us Milo ;)
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