Earth Hour TONIGHT

Just a reminder tonight is the night where they are asking people to turn out the lights for one hour as part of earth hour.

"On Saturday, March 29, 2008, Earth Hour invites people around the world to turn off their lights for one hour – from 8:00pm to 9:00pm in their local time zone. On this day, cities around the world, including Copenhagen, Chicago, Melbourne, Dubai, and Tel Aviv, will hold events to acknowledge their commitment to energy conservation."

For more information visit:
Google (Google's page on Earth Hour... I was wondering why my google was black today)


  • Yes, lets all get in on this and save, what? $0.10? No thanks. I abhor things like this, that are more symbolism then substance. This event will do nothing to effect global climate change. NOTHING. Saw this Greenpeace twit on Newsnet talking about how it would have no REAL effect, but the symbolism was necessary to make people aware of the global climate crisis. Well excuse me but, unless someone has been living in a cave for the last 5 - 10 years or so, how could you NOT be aware of it? Sorry, but count me out of this charade. I'd rather do something meaningful.
  • Having not bought into the whole "It's the Humans fault" propaganda, I'm gonna pass. Remember these are the same scientist types that said in the early 70's that the next ice age is coming.

    Maybe I'll turn some more lights on tonight :D
  • DENIER !!! HE'S A DENIER !!!!! Someone call Dr. Suzuki so we can get a lynch mob together. :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    DENIER !!! HE'S A DENIER !!!!! Someone call Dr. Suzuki so we can get a lynch mob together. :D

    Tell him I'll be at my Flat Earth Society meeting tonight :D
  • I'll consider dimming the lights, but only so I can see the hockey game better. David Suzuki is only alive today because he knew better than to invite himself onto any of the porches in my neighbourhood.
  • lmao, ya but your rich hobbes, so you can afford that higher bill.

    Hobbes wrote: »
    Having not bought into the whole "It's the Humans fault" propaganda, I'm gonna pass. Remember these are the same scientist types that said in the early 70's that the next ice age is coming.

    Maybe I'll turn some more lights on tonight :D
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