What a Leak, cost me, but cost you?

Hi, this is something very interesting
paying the BB and SB, then table break off
does this happen to you.
i notice this happen to me everyday.
i play 4 table at once, and perhaps open 10-12 session.
so that mean 8 table i pay BB and SB before the table break.
failure to notice table is breaking up could have cost me close to 1PTBB/100 in winning.
how do you guys deal with this?
is this a problem for you?
what's the best way to handle this.
table A (9player) i'm in MP. i fold my hand.
i shift my attention to another table with action.
i come back to Table A to see what i have
Table A with me in BB (paid) and 3 player left...WTF


  • You seem to be asking in a bizarre variation of a big Haiku how to deal with random people leaving an online poker table.

    If you really want to deal with it I guess do not auto post blinds and or play fewer tables so you can notice it.

    Or you can try to see if you have some sort of super power that can change the behavior of total strangers over the internet.

    If that was confusing let me offer the above in the following format:

    You seem to be
    asking in a
    bizarre variation of a
    Haiku how to deal with
    random people
    leaving an online poker

    you really want to
    deal with it I
    guess do not auto
    post blinds
    and or play
    fewer tables so you
    can notice

    Or you
    can try to
    see if you have some
    sort of super
    power that can change the
    behavior of total
    strangers over
    the internet
  • why post the same thing twice?
    I don't get it... is that a haiku?
  • what's Haiku?
    i just spot this as one of leaks i have.
    as a forum member, i just put this out, maybe there is others that didn't notice this problem.
    i put 30K hand a month. playing 100NL.
    it cost me $1-200 a month.
    when i move up to 200NL april 1st. this leak will cost me $2-400.
    1 BB may seem nothing, it will add up.
    i check on two plus two
    DAVE that write AHK is going to write a script to stop post BB when table is less then X player.
    I can't wait for that

    thanks for you suggestion, but i like Dave's method better.
  • I am happy that
    You found a fix to the "leak"
    Happiness awaits
  • Monteroy wrote: »
    I am happy that
    You found a fix to the "leak"
    Happiness awaits
    but what's Haiku?
  • You know Chuckie, there is this wonderful tool on the internet (take that anyway you want to) called Google. I am sure that if you went to visit the Oracle of Google, she would tell you what "Haiku" is/are. You're welcome.
  • Monteroy wrote: »
    I am happy that
    You found a fix to the "leak"
    Happiness awaits

    I'll play the roll of the nice guy here. It's rare, but whatever.

    Put simply Chuckie, Monteroy's response to you is a Haiku.

    It's a traditional style of Japanese poetry characterized by three lines of poetry each containing a prescribed number of syllables.

    The first contains five syllables, the second seven, and the third five again.

    Bashuo Matsuo, considered the first great writer of Haiku, wrote the following.

    An old sil ent pond... (5)

    A frog jumps in to the pond,(7)

    splash! Sil ence ag ain. (5) Not sure where you'd want to split that last word. A GAIN, or AG AIN. Whatever.

    Anyhow, there you have it. Haiku.

    I think the point Monteroy was trying to make, and one I happen to fully agree with in regards to your posts is that they are often extremely difficult to get to the point of and are often of extremely low content.

    So much so that I generally avoid them.

    Essentially, the gist is that you are losing several big blinds a month because you multi table and your short handed tables often break up just after you have posted the blinds, and you are worried about the amount of money it is costing you.

    It looks like you've analyzed it pretty thoroughly yourself, and have a good understanding of how much you are losing. If you can't manage 4 games at the same time, then don't play 4 games at the same time. I have to believe that if you can't keep track of how many players are at the table, you can't be keeping very close track of people's betting patterns and other pertinent information that is so important in no limit hold em.

    The other option(as suggested by someone else) is to not auto post your blinds if the table gets short handed.

    I also suggest you really review your posts before posting them, just make sure that all the ideas and questions you have are really in there, and there in a way that is coherent and ordered.
  • hey dinobot
    thanks for the reply, i know what haiku is, i'm just not sure why he use it here.
    I didn't wakeup one day and discover this. I read it at 2+2.
    it may not be a problem for some, and it mean nothing for some. but it could be helpful for some.
    i didn't even realize how much i leak out on this.
    i'm just sharing this with you guys, because i gain alot from this forum.
    For you to say, i didn't think when i post this useless crap, it's unfair statement.
    If i have know this earlier, it's few hundred bux i could of kept.
    perhaps this could help other newbie like me save some $$.
    i have to say,Dave (mod at 2+2, and wrote AHK HUD for pokertracker 3), who is gonna use his free time to write a AHK script for other online poker players to use for free.
    i'm letting others who may wish to use this, know it exist. it's way better then uncheck auto blind. or drop a table.
    i know i am not the best english writer, if that is too much most poeple in this forum, i'll just stop posting.
  • Hey Chuckie,

    I don't really multi-table that much, but I always watch for it on my own tables. If I feel the numbers on the table are getting low I'll uncheck the auto-post options. Other than that, I am not sure if there really is a way to deal with this, and over time I think the numbers aren't that huge.
  • Yeah I think your analysis is way too high. I only multitable, and plus I only play short handed, and it doesn't happen that often where all of a sudden I start wondering "what happened to everybody?" Plus if it gets down to 3 handed I'll just steal on the button and leave.
  • hey dinobot
    thanks for the reply, i know what haiku is, i'm just not sure why he use it here.
    I didn't wakeup one day and discover this. I read it at 2+2.
    it may not be a problem for some, and it mean nothing for some. but it could be helpful for some.
    i didn't even realize how much i leak out on this.
    i'm just sharing this with you guys, because i gain alot from this forum.
    For you to say, i didn't think when i post this useless crap, it's unfair statement.
    If i have know this earlier, it's few hundred bux i could of kept.
    perhaps this could help other newbie like me save some $$.
    i have to say,Dave (mod at 2+2, and wrote AHK HUD for pokertracker 3), who is gonna use his free time to write a AHK script for other online poker players to use for free.
    i'm letting others who may wish to use this, know it exist. it's way better then uncheck auto blind. or drop a table.
    i know i am not the best english writer, if that is too much most poeple in this forum, i'll just stop posting.

    You misread my post.

    I didn't say that you didn't think when you posted, and I certainly didn't say it was useless crap. On the contrary, I think for those who multi table online no limit it's a great point.

    I disagree with you about unchecking a box or dropping a table though, and reiterate that if you can't manage the number of tables you are playing effectively enough to avoid leaking these hundreds of dollars, then you are over stretched in my opinion.
  • dinobot wrote: »
    You misread my post.

    I didn't say that you didn't think when you posted, and I certainly didn't say it was useless crap. On the contrary, I think for those who multi table online no limit it's a great point.

    I disagree with you about unchecking a box or dropping a table though, and reiterate that if you can't manage the number of tables you are playing effectively enough to avoid leaking these hundreds of dollars, then you are over stretched in my opinion.
    hi Dinobot
    It's not that I cannot manage to pay attention, it's something that I didn't know about it, until yesturday. Like all leaks, it's a leak because you didn't know.
    however, Now that i know about it, i try it yesturday,i still got nail twice.
    I think those are hard to avoid, and have nothing to do with too many table.
    I fold it on HJ at Table A with 9 players, I move to Table B for some action, then I come back to Table A, and find myself on BB with 3 player on the table......WTF.
    This maybe cost of not manage table effectively but I think this is rare situation, that it's -EV to drop the tables.
  • This thread title sounds like a Lionel Ritchie lyric.

  • hi Dinobot
    It's not that I cannot manage to pay attention, it's something that I didn't know about it, until yesturday. Like all leaks, it's a leak because you didn't know.
    however, Now that i know about it, i try it yesturday,i still got nail twice.
    I think those are hard to avoid, and have nothing to do with too many table.
    I fold it on HJ at Table A with 9 players, I move to Table B for some action, then I come back to Table A, and find myself on BB with 3 player on the table......WTF.
    This maybe cost of not manage table effectively but I think this is rare situation, that it's -EV to drop the tables.


    This was certainly not clear in the original post.

    Through this conversation I have determined that your post was not actually a question at all, or you seeking clarification. It was you actually trying to warn players about a potentially costly leak in their game.

    I get it now.
  • Personally I'd like to stay at the table if it has fish in it.
    Rather than write an AHK for # of players, I'd rather select on # of fish...
    Heads up with a fish is a beautiful thing...
  • I fold it on HJ at Table A with 9 players, I move to Table B for some action, then I come back to Table A, and find myself on BB with 3 player on the table......WTF.

    ok, this is what i don't get. what do you mean 'you moved'? i'm assuming that by this you mean that you were watching table A then began watching table B (meaning you stopped watching table A), then when you went back to table A you were on the BB with 3 people left, correct?

    so, perhaps i'm not understanding here, but it seems to me that you are in fact playing too many tables since you can't watch them all (at least not watch them enough of the time). i can't see 6 out of 9 players leaving the table as quickly as you suggest here (yes i'm sure it's possible, but not to the extent that you're losing hundreds of dollars due to it happening).

    i agree with some of the others. play less tables! you're "leak" is that you can't watch the all the tables. that's like saying that my leak is just not paying attention to what's going on. that's not a leak, that's you just playing poorly and not giving tables their due concern.
  • m_dolens wrote: »
    ok, this is what i don't get. what do you mean 'you moved'? i'm assuming that by this you mean that you were watching table A then began watching table B (meaning you stopped watching table A), then when you went back to table A you were on the BB with 3 people left, correct?

    so, perhaps i'm not understanding here, but it seems to me that you are in fact playing too many tables since you can't watch them all (at least not watch them enough of the time). i can't see 6 out of 9 players leaving the table as quickly as you suggest here (yes i'm sure it's possible, but not to the extent that you're losing hundreds of dollars due to it happening).

    i agree with some of the others. play less tables! you're "leak" is that you can't watch the all the tables. that's like saying that my leak is just not paying attention to what's going on. that's not a leak, that's you just playing poorly and not giving tables their due concern.

    I'm not going to continue with this
    this is not about me complainting i lost that much money.
    i just though i put this out here for players that never even knew about it.
    If you don't have this problem, that is very good. You are one step ahead of me. congraduation.
  • Invest in a monitor with higher resolution.

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