Busted out on Blinds

This is the second time this has happened to me so this is a definate leak in my game....or is it?

Playing a $10 N/L Tourney on Paradise last night and I finished 50th out of about 3000 people. I feel somewhat satisfied with my results as I ended up with a whopping $22.75 for my troubles, (although there is definately room for improvement)!

The problem is that I busted out on blinds for the 2nd time.

I feel this is a problem area as far as tournament play is concerned. Is there something that can be done??

By about the 3rd or 4th stage, it was hardly poker anymore. It got to the point where 1 person was going all in pre-flop and someone was calling. The cards got flipped and then there was a showdown.

For the record.... the best pocket cards I had all game were J-J and that was the second hand. Anytime I got an Ace, it was ususlly accompanied by a 3, 4, 5, 6....etc and in middle position with multi raisers, not the best of hands to be calling with.... or is it?

Does anyone have any advice on how to rectify this situation. What would be acceptable starting cards in middle/early position, should I be more aggresive in the earlier rounds?

It's all a work in progress, but any tips or similair experiences would be helpful!



  • One general rule of thumb when you're shortstacked (but not severely) is to look to your left and see who has 'average' stack sizes. These people should be your victims. Their stacks aren't so huge that they'll call you with marginal hands, and they aren't so small that they'll be forced to call with any two.

    If it's folded to you and you are in LP and an average stack is the BB, you should move in with any two when you're shortstacked. But you have to do it before you get so shortstacked that you'll be called based on pot odds alone.

    That's a lot of criteria to meet, but you'll be surprised at how often that particular situation comes up. A typical average-stacked player in the BB will usually fold a wide range of hands to your approx. 4 to 6 X BB all-in.

    If your opponent wakes up with a real hand and calls you, oh well. There's always next time. ;)

  • Thanks Aces! I'm going to try incorporating that strategy tonight. I'll let you know how it turns out.

    Bluffs Out!
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