ZEITGEIST - You Should Watch This!

Okay, I don't want to start a huge religious debate or political debate, but this is a very interesting video about the way things work in this world. Interpret it how you wish, but I think it is worth watching. It may change the way you view some things in life:


Warning: It is almost 2 hours long.


  • Sorry, Graham. Seen this in an earlier, shorter version. Not worth the time it takes to watch it, IMO.
  • Just bringing this thread back to life for the hell of it. I watched this movie this week. I was just wondering if anyone else had seen it so I searched the archives.

    I liked it. I am certainly not one to take anything at face value but there are certainly some point raised that have me thinking.

    Who else has seen this?

    I must admit though that Zeitgeist Addendum dulled my impression of the original movie. What I liked about the original movie was it didn't try to push any aggenda on you. It showed you some things in a different light then let you think about it. But with Addendum you can see the follow up effort to impress upon the view thier agenda... the movement behind the Venus project.

    Did anyone find anything though provoking in the first movie? Or did you completely dismiss all of it as paranoia?
  • Just watched it.
    Good movie, But where is a better quality version?
  • I must admit though that Zeitgeist Addendum dulled my impression of the original movie. What I liked about the original movie was it didn't try to push any aggenda on you. It showed you some things in a different light then let you think about it. But with Addendum you can see the follow up effort to impress upon the view thier agenda... the movement behind the Venus project.

    Did anyone find anything though provoking in the first movie? Or did you completely dismiss all of it as paranoia?

    The thing that is kinda scary about this movie is that since watching it some of the prediction type stuff is becoming reality... Here is one example.

    YouTube - HaVe YoU SEEN The NEW CURRENCY?-Amero!
  • That wasn't really a prediction though. There were serious discussions on this before the movie came out. It is on the table as a possibility. I assumed that when we hit parity with US dollar that it would go mainstream but it seems too much other shit hit the fan at the same time.
  • The scary part is that the historical references are true;

    The original run on the stock market, the war profiteering, the religious analogies.

    See any similarities for today?

    woohoo, riding the waves to 2012
  • The Mayan end of times on the winter solstace of 2012 doesn't line up with the end of the current astrological age of Pieces (2150ish) mentioned in Zietgeist. Don't try to muddle multiple incompatible end of the world theories into one ;).

    Just for shits and giggles check out this post I made on a car forum on March 28th 2005.

    "The European Union. It's become too strong an economic entity and the US knows it. Canada, Mexico and the US need a North American Union entity at the very least. Look for the three countries to become more 'standardized' over the next few years in preperation. Just my opinion. "
  • I am not sure if any of you have noticed Ron Paul before. This guy seems to be consistantly right. He has been fighting the men behind the curtain for years now. He is starting to be heard by the general public more and more. He even ran for head of the party this year but the Country was still not ready to accept his dire perception of the state of things. He is worth Googling.

    YouTube - Ron Paul Talks Economy With Glenn Beck 01-21-2009
  • Sadly, Dr. Paul is a lonely voice in the wilderness. He may be right more often than any other US politician, but he is, paradoxically, heard LESS than any other, as well. He would have made a great President. Oh well, much like Martin here (economically), the people will only be able to say, "What if . . ."
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