
  • Priceless. But the ones you really have to be careful about are the ambidextrous people, hiding amongst us. Those are the ones we need to watch out for. Sneaky bastards . . . ^-^
  • I'm ambidextrous better watch your back! :)
  • I'll just take this seat right over here in the corner, then . . . :D
  • schabs wrote: »
    I'm ambidextrous better watch your back! :)


    Cole's notes for the video please? (my computer has the aids and will not allow me to watch.)
  • schabs wrote: »
    I'm ambidextrous better watch your back! :)

    +3...apparently we OWN this forum!
  • Anyone else starting to feel like they're in Shaun of the Dead? You know, a normal person surrounded by some sort of unknown weirdness that is inexorably closing in on them. Where's my Cricket bat?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    +3...apparently we OWN this forum!

    Switching it up to give your right hand a break now and then does not qualify you as ambidextrous.

    Sorry, for a second I thought Mark had posted ;)

    Also, +4.
  • Cole's notes

    Ummm... left people suck.

    Not sure if this was attempting to be satire, or if it had some kinda social message... but it was kinda lame...

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