Cutting Deals in Non-Casino Tourneys

I was wondering what your thoughts are on cutting deals in home games or non-casino tourneys.

I the past we have not allowed as an effort to curb collusion since there so many players that come in small groups. We are trying to make this as legit as possible ... so what do you think?


  • What kinds of deals are you talking about?

  • Payout deals once players are in the money. Example first and second decide to split the remaining prize pool.
  • I see no problem with making deals like this as long as all players agree to the deal with no harrassment, etc. I don't see how these kinds of deals are related to collusion.

    Where collusion might enter into deal making would be in *pre-determined* deals. Unfortunately, pre-determined deals (e.g. people buying pieces of each other) are pretty much impossible to prevent since they can be arranged away from the tournament.

  • You cannot stop colusion. Even if the rule is in place. The two players will make the deal in the car on there way to the tournament. So It may look good in the house. But the car ride home will be where money is tranfered.

    Happened to me once here in a B&M. No Deals was the rule before the tournament started. But when we got heads up. Me and the opther player went for a long walk break, right out the door. Talked and made a deal. Then after the tour. we paid up at a coffe shop. Casino was no the wiser.
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