ConfusedONE wrote: » should be a national paid holiday that way you can get a paid dayoff and be drunk on a monday I hate Monday
Graham wrote: » Did anyone have the green beer? The bartender asked me, and I said I'll pass on the food coloring... didn't help I was drinking Guiness
sreeja wrote: » Happy St. Patrick's Day to all forum members.Sorry for being late.
JohnnieH wrote: » Did you just sober up?
that way you can get a paid dayoff and be drunk on a monday
I hate Monday
I agree, and they should also give off the Tuesday for recovery
I'm livin' in a dream world
Move to Newfoundland. It is there.
I had a few green Guinesses on Saturday. Very tasty.
May the luck of the Irish see you through another year!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Did you just sober up?
I anticipate this person will be a future spammer... most of the replies are complete non-sense in broken english... typically this is done by spammers, but hey, I have been wrong before.