Racist comments shouldn't be tolerated

I've been here a long time, I'm not some troll looking to cause trouble. This is supposedly Canada's Poker Forum, & I feel that racist comments shouldn't be tolerated. I've seen stereotyping of natives as drunks & drug smugglers here before, & now, apparently it's OK to call aboriginals thugs. Is it OK to call black Cdns thugs? What about Mexican-Cdns?

I'm referring to http://www.pokerforum.ca/showthread.php?t=15204 (post 9). Read it carefully, the way it is worded it is obvious he/she is talking about all aboriginals. "If there was ever a time to be grateful that our elected overlords do not have the balls to stand up to the Aboriginal thugs, this is it."

I'm not into PC BS, but clearly things like that are out of line.


  • I'm not into PC BS, but clearly things like that are out of line.

    Oh, I'd say you totally ARE into PC BS.
  • I am just about as far from racist as it gets. Tolerance of intolerance is unacceptable. Every individual person I meet I will treat with respect until they give me reason not to regardless of thier race or ethnicity.

    That being said there are thugs in every group. It is quite possible after reading the post that the writter thinks that the element of the Aboriginal group responsible for blocking roads and train tracks are thugs, not the entire group.
  • Thanks, Awesome. That is EXACTLY the clarification I was trying to make in the several follow-on posts I made in the original thread. Sorry, HP, but if you want to accuse me of something, you will have to use ALL the evidence, not just one post. I clearly referenced specific incidents that I used to augment my statement. If those incidents had been commited by another ethnic group, say "Blue-Meanies", I would still tag those actions as "thuggish". Now I will be even more clear, and use small words:

    It is the actions which are "thuggish". If you carry out "thuggish" deeds, you are, it follows, a "thug." Ethnicity is NOT a factor.

    I am content that what I have written is in no way racist. Intolerant, perhaps, but not racist. And if you want to term it intolerant, GOOD. I would not EVER want to be tolerant of THAT kind of illegality. I only wish the same could be said of our government.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Thanks, Awesome. That is EXACTLY the clarification I was trying to make in the several follow-on posts I made in the original thread. Sorry, HP, but if you want to accuse me of something, you will have to use ALL the evidence, not just one post. I clearly referenced specific incidents that I used to augment my statement. If those incidents had been commited by another ethnic group, say "Blue-Meanies", I would still tag those actions as "thuggish". Now I will be even more clear, and use small words:

    It is the actions which are "thuggish". If you carry out "thuggish" deeds, you are, it follows, a "thug." Ethnicity is NOT a factor.

    I am content that what I have written is in no way racist. Intolerant, perhaps, but not racist. And if you want to term it intolerant, GOOD. I would not EVER want to be tolerant of THAT kind of illegality. I only wish the same could be said of our government.

    Hi John,

    I have to agree with Milo here. I think in the context that it was used was not pointing out an entire group, but rather just a few individuals.

    When I first saw this I really struggled with trying to decide whether the poster was trying to be racist. In the end, I really still am unsure what the posters direct intentions were, but I think its safe not to call someone a racist based on a single situation. If there were more supporting evidence, I agree, then action would be taken immediately.

    But, I do absolutely agree with you, racism is 100% not tolerated, I just think this was a misinterpretation.

  • Thanks for your post Graham. Feel free to PM me if you want further clarification. And I agree 100% with your stance re: racism.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Oh, I'd say you totally ARE into PC BS.

    Why? Because I don't think it's OK to stereotype people as drunks & drug smugglers? Or that it's not OK to call groups of people thugs? I don't even know why this kind of crap is OK on a site called "Canada's Poker Forum", keyword being Canada.

    There is a long-existing problem on this site w/ racist comments being tolerated. If this is truely "Canada's" Poker Forum, then those comments don't belong here.
  • If Milo truely meant the Kahnawake aboriginals, then shouldn't it have said "these thugs", when he says "the aboriginal thugs", it completely changes the meaning.

    About 1 or 2 months ago, there was a post stereotyping aboriginals as drunks & drug smugglers. A lot of people are shy about going to a home game where they don't know anyone. The impression I get when I read these posts being tolerated is, if I were to bring say a black person (or some other race) with me to a home game hosted by someone here, if that black person left to use the washroom people would start making jokes about how he's going to steal something (is that racist stereotype OK?)
  • site called "Canada's Poker Forum", keyword being Canada.

    I'm relatively sure that the keyword here is "poker"

  • HP_John wrote: »
    If Milo truely meant the Kahnawake aboriginals, then shouldn't it have said "these thugs", when he says "the aboriginal thugs", it completely changes the meaning.

    It only changes the meaning because you are looking for something that was obviously not intended that way.

    Like it or not, the group that the government is fighting with about online gaming is an aboriginal group. The way I read the original statement was more like "It's great that there is an aboriginal group that will stand up against the government in this case, even though the GOVERNMENT will label them as thugs".

    I have played in many of the home games listed on this forum, and believe me in no way have I heard any racist comments anywhere near what you have portrayed.
  • What you sayin cracker?

  • HP_John wrote: »
    About 1 or 2 months ago, there was a post stereotyping aboriginals as drunks & drug smugglers.

    Hi John,

    I found the original post and I agree, it was clearly borderline racism (though I think the poster just thought they were trying to be funny). Unfortunately this happened a very long time before I took over the forum. In this case I have gone ahead and unapproved the post so that it is no longer visible to the public.

    Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

  • The best part about this post is that immediately after I make it I am going on vacation for a week...no flame war for you lurkers, come back in 8 days.

    I empathize with your frustration, but..if we're going to get PC up in here, sexism or homophobia are WAYYYYYYY bigger 'problems' on this forum.

    I can't recall any post ever being maliciously or overtly rascist, but I could probably site 5/week that are arguably hurting women/the gay community. Not that I'm looking for a change or complaining, I think perhaps that this is just another personal power vs. power-over argument.

    People don't do 'different' well..the sooner you accept that and stop wasting your energy on something as frivollous as the illogical dream of a fascist interpretation of 'equality' (censoring/condemnation over encouragement/education) ..the sooner you can both: hope to make real positive gain where it can occur or start manipulating your 'edges' as given by the same who truly refuse to accept the idea that, though different, we all have inherent worth and where predisposition may exist (be it nature or nurture) one may certainly rise above or sink below this preset and achieve in a way that makes it prudent for us to never make quick hard-assessments.

    (and fwiw I believe the original quote was fine)

    Stereotypes ARE funny, it is stupidity/complacency that is not.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    The best part about this post is that immediately after I make it I am going on vacation for a week.
    Have a great vacation Kristy, where ya going?
  • I don't think anyone usually says any malicious ON PURPOSE on this forum.

    I still slip occasionally and say "That's gay",but I'm NOT a homophobe. Sorry if I've given anyone a wrong impression. I'm actually a very inclusive person.

    RESPECT FOR ALL! What's wrong with that?
  • Nigel Powers: All right Goldmember. Don't play the laughing boy. There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch
  • Personally, I think HP John has a valid concern, and it's really not being addressed. It's not for him to imagine all possible interpretations for what people post on here.

    The comments, as written, are borderline in my opinion.

    That's not to say I think anyone who posted in that thread is a racist, just that as read they may give a negative impression.

    This post from KW Steve for instance....

    "There are bad apples in every group of people. To label a whole race by the actions of a few individuals is wrong. I personally know a number of native Canadians who work and pay taxes just like everyone else. Some want to fit in and do right, and some do not. Same with all racial groups"

    He's explaining that he is not a racist, and I believe him, but his comments are potentially a disaster.

    "work and pay taxes like everyone else" implies that this is out of the norm.

    "fit in and do right"? Fit in with whom, do right by whose standards?

    I'm sure I'll just fire this discussion up more, but I believe that HP deserves a more open minded response than "you're too PC".
  • Bah. This is so freaking stupid.

    I made a post a few weeks ago that every freaking reader took in a different light. Most of them incorrect as far as the authors intent. If you are looking to be offended you will find a way to be offended.

    My open minded response to John is, "lighten up dude," you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Outright hate spewage should be met with instant permaban but reading your own thoughts into someone else's post "the way it is worded it is obvious he/she is talking about all aboriginals" is bullshit. You don't know what his actual intention was when he posted this and to say that you can read his mind is pure shyte.
  • That's exactly the point. Not knowing his mind when he wrote it means he can only read it as it's written.

    As it's written, it's questionable.
  • dinobot wrote: »

    "work and pay taxes like everyone else" implies that this is out of the norm.

    "fit in and do right"? Fit in with whom, do right by whose standards?
    You see, this is where you and I differ. I read those two phrases completely differently. I look it as an expression that most aboriginals, like most of the people on this site, just want to get on with their lives. Same with the second phrase.
    I believe that most aboriginals would rather NOT be seen as apart from Canadian society, but rather as a complementary portion OF it. The basis for this belief is purely anecdotal, I grant you, but it seems logical, in a fashion similar to the way that immigrant communities assimilate to the Canadian mosaic, while still retaining their unique heritage. I will stipulate that the immigrant metaphor is somewhat clumsy, and does not take into account certain historical issues, but I use it strictly for clarification of my point.
  • Fair enough, and I think that was sort of my point about the onus being on the person writing to be very clear in their intent. Since their writings are subject to a lot of interpretation.

    I realize it's a delicate thing, but I think in these sorts of issues it's very important.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    It only changes the meaning because you are looking for something that was obviously not intended that way.

    Like it or not, the group that the government is fighting with about online gaming is an aboriginal group. The way I read the original statement was more like "It's great that there is an aboriginal group that will stand up against the government in this case, even though the GOVERNMENT will label them as thugs".

    I have played in many of the home games listed on this forum, and believe me in no way have I heard any racist comments anywhere near what you have portrayed.

    How am I looking for something that is "obviously not intended that way." His line was "If there was ever a time to be grateful that our elected overlords do not have the balls to stand up to the Aboriginal thugs, this is it." How can anyone read it & say there's nothing wrong with it?

    The TS later clarified that he believed this particular group, but not necessarily all aboriginals, are thugs or have acted as thugs before. Thus, he isn't saying the gov't will say they're thugs.

    I didn't portray any home games as racist. I said that if I were someone who'd never played a home game here, by reading a few comments, I might get the impression that people may make racist stereotypes (if I were to bring a minority friend to a game, & he left to the bathroom for example). I'm sure the majority here are good folks, & probably Milo too.

    I am satisfied with what Graham said, I'm done with it. Let's play poker!
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