Internet Acronyms

For my pal milton slim.

A/S Age/Sex
A/S/L Age/sex/location
AFAIAA As Far as I am aware
AFAIK As Far as I know
AFAIC As Far as I'm concerned
AIUI As I understand it
B4 before
BAK back at keyboard
BAMF Bad assed mother fucker
BBL Be back Later
BFD Big fucken deal
BFFL Best friends for life
BFG Big fat (fucken) grin
BFI Bunch of fucking idiots
BRB Be right back
BTDT Been there done that
CLAB Crying like a Baby
CYA Cover your ass
CYM Check your mail
DFI Dumb fucking Idea
GFU Good For You
GFY Go Fuck Yourself
GF Girl Friend
J/K Just kidding
JMHO Just my Humble Opinion
L8R Later
LOL Laughing out loud
LMFAO Laughing my fucken ass off
LMAO Laughing my ass off
MYOB MInd your own Business
RL Real life
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTM Right on the Money
RTFAQ Read the FAQ
RTFQ Read the fucking question
SOL shit outta Luck
SOP Stay off the pipe
TTFN Ta Ta For now
Y2K year 2000
YASA Yet another stupid Acronym

Tired for now so feel free to add others


  • SIIHP - ()o()
  • gotta be worth a beer at the Royal, thanks


    Milton Slim
  • actyper wrote: »
    SIIHP - ()o()

    Colour me mystified . . .

    YMMV - your mileage may vary
    IANAL - I am not a lawyer
    IIRC - if I remember correctly
    IMHO - in my humble opinion
    FTW - **** the world

    and I'll close with my personal fave,

    BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again ^-^
  • FUBAR - Fucked up beyond all recognition
  • WAFSCYD- What a fucken stupid call you donk
    OYHY2O- Obv you hit your 2 outter
    SMTM- Show me the money
    IAR- Its a rebuy
    ITM- In the money
  • ITM - One day I'll have to try that one. *sigh*
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