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Brantford Oct.3, 2004 - News on Tourney

Visited Brantford today. Went on both 2/5 and 5/10 lists, took over an hour to get seated at 2/5. Dealer said there would be a tournament in November or December(didn't know dates) but that it would have a higher entry fee, like $300 or $350; I said I hoped the had space for more players than they did last time when they sold out so quickly.

After losing a few bucks at 2/5 I got switched to 5/10. Finisedh $180 down, but it's amazing how one or two different outcomes would have swung me into positive territory. In my case there were three such events:
1) and 2) lost to the SAME darn guy.
1) Pocket Q's, i bet all the way, he hit his inside straight on the river, calling all the way without proper odds.
2) He plays 2/7 off suit, I had AK. I bet all the way and he calls. (He had an inside straight draw) Outcome: The river brings a 2 and his pair of 2s beats my Ace high.
3) The one time I made a set (of 6's) the flop came 678, and of course I lost a lot of money to a straight.

The fellow from 1) and 2) above also made a straight on the river and won a pot with A4 when I dropped the very same hand after the flop.

There were two (somewhat attractive) ladies at the table(on my end). (One worked as a pit boss at the U.S. Seneca casino, and the other one seemed like a student but mentioned she played at UB and now Party Poker). Both ladies were waiting for $10/20 and doing pretty well. I asked id 10/20 was easier, and with crap like above.... pit boss said yes.... I asked the pit boss about hand 2) above, and whether BOZO had read me in calling; she said no, he's just stupid.


  • Sounds like a typical day at the Brantford Casino low limit tables. That's exactly why I'll only play 10/20 when I go. I'll wait the hour and read the paper, rather than sit down at the 2/5 to "kill time". All you're really doing is wasting money when you get rivered by his 72 off......and it also puts you on tilt for when you get to the higher limit tables. Very bad for your game.
    Glad to hear there are some more rumors floating around about the Brantford tourney. I didn't fair too well in the last one, so I want to make up for it this time! Be sure to keep the forum updated if you hear anything else.


  • What table were you at? I was playing on Saturday night from midnight and on, and I had an attractive lady at my table.
  • I went on Sunday, October 3
    If tables are:

    I played 2/5 at table 6, 2:30 until 3:30 or so. By the way I spotted Dean Nerbonne(or whatever the name is, who won the last Brantford tourney and $50K or so), playing that table after 4p.m.

    Then at 3:30, played 6/10 at table 5. The girls were at table 5. But both were on the 10/20 lists and I think at least one was going over to that when I left. The one that was the pit boss at Seneca(I think she was named Amy or Kay or seomthing short like that), was probably in her 30's, gold wedding ring, wearing a light-blue matching tops and pants(more Italian than 'hood -->does that make sense?), and kind of Liz Hurley Shades (half rosy on top and half clear). The other one was a somewhat talkative younger girl, maybe of university age... medium brown hair...funny
  • You guys are talking about our friend who posts here on the odd occasion.
    Her name is Kristy and goes by the handle 'Wren'.
    She IS very nice and just finished university, and a damn good poker player so watch out for her.

  • Wren posts here? I have played with Wren and Stuhdio(?spelling) they seemed nice enough but haven't seen them post here. They used to post on UPF a while back but have disappeared. Hope all is well with them.
  • I was at Brantford yesterday, playing 5/10 for about 8 hours (until heading home to make the pokerforum.ca tourney).

    I asked one of the dealers, and he also indicated that November was the month for the next tournament. I asked if he knew any details ...

    He said, "Yeah, we saw a memo about it. Oh, maybe I'm not supposed to say anything yet." :)

    So, no further details ...

    macbb :canada:

    BTW, ended up much better than I was at one point, playing 5/10 ... was almost all-in with my original $400 buy-in ... then caught some suited connectors in the big blind ... the pot was capped pre-flop by 7 players (!), so I had some ok pot odds ... made 2 pair on the flop, and bet it hard ... unfortunately, someone had the flush on the turn, but I was bailed out by making a full house on the river, winning a $270 pot ... went on a roll after that, and finished the day with $549 ... not too bad from where I was a few hours earlier.
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