online gaming in Canada threatened?

Are we heading down the same path as our friends to the south? I was hoping Harper had extricated his tongue from Bush's anus now that Bush is history.


  • Most likely outcome??

    Natives 1
    Gov't 0

    and the government is going to bow out as quietly as they can.
  • those guys are crazy I remember when they blocked the roads and everything...

    if me = govnt
    me = no touch indians
    indians = dangerous people

    (and I only know about those in quebec so I could be biased...)
  • Happens in Ontario too. Last summer they blocked a few roads, always during long weekends too.

    Even think they block the railway once last summer too if memory serves
  • The track owners have also suggested that governments force Internet service providers to block the sites from Canadian bandwidth. "I expect the government to do the right thing and protect our country's interests," said Mr. McLeod.

    Funnnyyy. They can't block Kiddie Porn sites, and they expect the gov't to block gambling sites.

    You can change country's interests to business interests in the above quote.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    You can change country's interests to business interests in the above quote.

    Well said, Hobbes!
  • I think this whole thing is so crooked... our MPs are in the pockets of the horse racing companies... I HATE POLITICS! Every decision that comes out of the goverment is in favor of some companies interests and not the PEOPLE... very sad IMO.
  • The REAL story is the pressure being applied by an organization that holds a monopoly and feels threatened that they will lose that monopoly, so they take their local MP's and what not to a fancy resturant, tell them how they are struggling to keep their business, which btw, conveniently pays billions in taxes every year (that's the hook in the MP's mouth), and that if something isn't done to stop joeblow company down the road, all that tax revenue will be jeopardized.

    Mr. MP is shocked and worried will he ever pay for that vacation resort in Mexico and the private jet to get there if not for those revenues this monopoly he promises to 'look into it'.

    Meanwhile, joeblow company gets threatened and has to fight for his right to make a living, all the while knowing the taxes HE pays STILL goes into the MP's pocket lining.

    Politics make strange bedfellows...and its big business that keeps trying to stick the 12" dildo up the ass of the average person, in their interests.

    Do I sound pissed? GOOD!!
  • If there was ever a time to be grateful that our elected overlords do not have the balls to stand up to the Aboriginal thugs, this is it. That aside, I do not think this initiative will go anywhere. It may be a tool for something else, however. In the end, it will more than likely have the same NET effect as the Ontarion legislation against on-line gaming adverts. Whats that you say? You haven't noticed anything different? EXACTAMUNDO.
  • Milo wrote: »
    If there was ever a time to be grateful that our elected overlords do not have the balls to stand up to the Aboriginal thugs, this is it. That aside, I do not think this initiative will go anywhere. It may be a tool for something else, however. In the end, it will more than likely have the same NET effect as the Ontarion legislation against on-line gaming adverts. Whats that you say? You haven't noticed anything different? EXACTAMUNDO.

    There's no need to use terms like "aboriginal thugs". This is the 2nd time I've seen racist language on here towards them. 1st time stereotyped them all as drunks & drug smugglers. This is supposed to be Canada's poker forum, we shouldn't be alienating.
  • It is not a question of alienating anyone, or racism. How would you characterize the actions of aboriginals mentioned in earlier posts? And how would you characterize the behaviour of aboriginals in Caledonia? Sorry, but I think the words I used were, if anything, restrained.
  • Milo wrote: »
    It is not a question of alienating anyone, or racism. How would you characterize the actions of aboriginals mentioned in earlier posts? And how would you characterize the behaviour of aboriginals in Caledonia? Sorry, but I think the words I used were, if anything, restrained.

    You said "If there was ever a time to be grateful that our elected overlords do not have the balls to stand up to the Aboriginal thugs, this is it." You're clearly saying all aboriginals are thugs. It's ridiculous & has no place here. You can't possibly be just talking about aboriginals in Kahnawake, as far as I know, they didn't have anything to do w/ Caledonia.

    If a few caucasian Cdns do anything bad, it's OK to label them all as thugs by your logic.
  • HP makes me feel all warm and fuzzy
  • Kahnawake Mohawks were involved at Oka, and the actions I referenced from previous posts in this thread were also undertaken by Mohawks, AND other bands. As for Caledonia, Mohawks from outside the Six Nations Confederacy HAVE been involved in the dispute there as well, at least according to news reports. Are the Kahnawake Mohawks the ONLY band involved in these actions? No. Do they seem to have a predeliction to involve themselves in these disputes? It appears that way to me. Am I saying that ALL aboriginals are thugs? ABSOLUTELY NOT !! In fact, there are a lot of aboriginal issues where I am actually ashamed at my government's lack of movement towards resolution. This does not blind me to the fact that what is currently going on in Caledonia, and the actions of "protestors" last summer are "thuggish". Would aboriginal objections to restrictions on online gambling be "thuggish"? No. But if any protests took the form that Caledonia has, then yes, I believe the term would be apt.
  • as a cultural studies student, i can't even begin to think of how many (let's say) 'negative' comments have been made in this thread. perhaps this issue may be best understood by everyone if we could just get another 'superiour' race in here and have them systematically and systemically destroy our entire culture over a few hundred years period, then shift us and the other whities off to some reserves in the middle of nowhere.

    the point being, perhaps that 'thuggishness' you so eloquently refer to may (oh i don't know) be warranted in some fashion perhaps?*

    (*the previous post does not condone the violent acts of others, however it does take into consideration that a peoples so oppressed may seek 'violent' means to break free from said oppression, and who are we (as middle-class colonizers) to argue against them.)
  • If you want to protest against the government, that is something at the heart of any democracy. If you allow, or encourage, that protest to turn violent, be prepared to accept the consequences. If your violence injures or maims innocent civilians, be prepared for condemnation, and a refusal to discuss your issues until said violence ends. Aboriginals cannot have it both ways. If they want to be sovereign "nations" within Canada, and outside of our laws, fine. Please stop cashing those government cheques. Otherwise, the rules apply to all of us, and I expect EVERY side to follow them. That means I expect the OPP to arrest people on BOTH sides when they break the law, unlike what is currently happening. I also expect my government to act in the best interests of their citizens, ALL their citizens. That means settle these issues in a timely fashion, and move towards a system that moves aboriginals OFF the government teat. The actions in Caledonia, and INACTION by the government, are not acceptable. And sorry, Caledonia (specifically) is NOT about oppression. It is about $$$, just like the Haldimand tract issue.
  • If further discussion of these issues is desired we should perhaps move it to a new thread in the Off-Topic Lounge.
  • There are bad apples in every group of people. To label a whole race by the actions of a few individuals is wrong. I personally know a number of native Canadians who work and pay taxes just like everyone else. Some want to fit in and do right, and some do not. Same with all racial groups.
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