Who do people think they are?

There is a bar that I frequent down the street from my house. I have been going there every day for years. This makes me a good customer.

My friends and I have always been able to do what we want. We drink too much, swear as much as we like, and debate every mundane detail to death.

Sometimes people piss me off. If they want to argue with me they better be willing to counter ever point I make, argue louder that me, be willing to stay until close (because I will fight to the death) and they better be able to handle my personal insults because there will be lots of them. Sometimes what I say is way offside but hell, all is fair in love and war plus it is my right because I am one of the best customers here. It has always been this way, why should anyone change it.

Now the owner of the bar lets call him Jim, decides he is going to take away my personal rights and freedoms. He wants me to be reasonable and respectful of other patrons of the bar, he thinks he has the right to take down the obnoxious things that I post on the bulletin board, he even asked to tone down my language. Can you believe it! I will say fuck just as often as I fucking want to say fuck and fuck anybody who gets in the way of it.

There are lots of people who go to this bar. All of my friends still go and even a few of the assholes I don’t like still come here. But Jim says that my hostility drives new people away and some of the old ones too. He says my actions aren’t condusive to the atmosphere that he would like to create in his bar. He says he wants to make the bar a friendly place for every one. This is obviously just a disguise for the fact that he is an ego maniac. As a matter of fact lets not refer to him as Jim any more, from here on out he will be referred to as Hitler.

Now some of the regular customers have actually agreed with Hitler. Those treasonous bastards! I told Hitler exactly what I thought of him. I said, “I will act exactly as I choose to and if you try and stop me I will fight, fight, fight and if I don’t win the argument I will leave here forever. He told me take a break and enforced a one week suspension from the bar. Can you believe it!! I am so mad I could spit. To hell with it I was never coming back to this place anyway. This place will suffer without me here. I was the best customer.


  • I invoke Godwin's Law. You lose the thread.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I invoke Godwin's Law. You lose the thread.
  • Wow, what coincidence, that's the bar I frequent now, used to be quiet and dingy, just a few grumpy old men doing the same old things, occasionally arguing mindlessly but not really drinking all that much since there were so few of them. It must have been hard for the proprietor to make a living. Now it's a hopping action type of place, all sorts of social activities, much more of what the bar was intended for, drinking. Lot's of wine , women, debauchery, just fantastic. They even have some free drinking days... My kinda place.... Give it a try, you might like it... :)
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Don't think so Caddie.
    Godwin's Law states that, "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler or Nazis approaches one." In other words, the longer this discussion drags out, it becomes inevitable that someone makes the allusion you did in your original post. The fact that it was (I'll assume) hyperbolic only reinforces the proof.

    My point is that the horse is dead, and I really think we all need to stop whipping it. People are entrenched in their thoughts on this issue, and I do not believe ANYONE is going to change their minds/opinions until the subject of this discussion decides whether or not she is coming back. After her ban is lifted, of course.
  • Milo wrote: »
    After her ban is lifted, of course.
    3 days, 15 hrs.. lol
  • The entire post is satirical. This takes the Hitler reference a level that is riduculous. I am sorry the point was lost on you.

    You are correct in the point that many people are entrenched in their opinions. There is no point in continuing the "Miller Lite" debate. This is why I presented the issue within a different context. If only one person reads it and take a minute to think about the issue from a different angle it it has served its purpose.
  • The satire was not lost on me. I was trying to point out that satirizing this issue is pointless, because no one, on either side, will see the humour in the satire. Rather they will take the opportunity to start stoking the embers all over again. God I hate this format of communication sometimes. All context and inflection is lost.

    Post had style, though, I'll give you that.
  • Milo's right

    I almost didn't post here because I don't want to add fuel to the fire but it needs to be said.

    Cadillac - Why are you being such an asshole? There is no purpose to this thread other than to continue the tirade against Kristy. You're not trying to convince people of anything, you're not trying to make things better, you're trying to make yourself feel better / look witty by tearing someone else down.

    Stop it.

    FWIW THIS post is an attack, and THIS post is unfair - especially considering the target of the attack cannot even respond. Cadillac, quite frankly this is the most immature thing you could have done, and is at the heart of what's wrong with internet forums. Be honest with yourself and admit that you had no righteous intentions for this post, only self-serving ones.

    IMO these are the posts that should be deleted... and a warning to cadillac at the least... very poor taste, no style, no class.

  • **** Hitler, that ***hole! I suppose he expects people who come to the bar to drink, too. I hate Nazis.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    FWIW THIS post is an attack, and THIS post is unfair - especially considering the target of the attack cannot even respond. Cadillac, quite frankly this is the most immature thing you could have done, and is at the heart of what's wrong with internet forums. Be honest with yourself and admit that you had no righteous intentions for this post, only self-serving ones.

    Really,wow it's amazing how someones writings can be taken so many different ways. Just shows you how we ALL seem to have difficulty interpreting the written word at times. FWIW I took Caddy's post as supporting Kristy although in an obviously satirical way..
    Methinks you're too close Mark... And I mean that with the utmost respect.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Milo's right

    I almost didn't post here because I don't want to add fuel to the fire but it needs to be said.

    Cadillac - Why are you being such an asshole? There is no purpose to this thread other than to continue the tirade against Kristy. You're not trying to convince people of anything, you're not trying to make things better, you're trying to make yourself feel better / look witty by tearing someone else down.

    Stop it.

    FWIW THIS post is an attack, and THIS post is unfair - especially considering the target of the attack cannot even respond. Cadillac, quite frankly this is the most immature thing you could have done, and is at the heart of what's wrong with internet forums. Be honest with yourself and admit that you had no righteous intentions for this post, only self-serving ones.

    IMO these are the posts that should be deleted... and a warning to cadillac at the least... very poor taste, no style, no class.


    Mark I am not tirading against Kristy. She is funny and intelligent for the most part I have grown to like her. I am against the way that she acts on occasion. She is capable of being way over the top and has even admitted to this on at least once that I know of. I hope she comes back and continues to contribute and I hope that she grows up a little bit.

    I don't know Graham from a row of assholes but I appreciate what he is trying to do here. Making this forum enjoyable for everyone and not just a select few is in no way a self-serving goal and I think it is long overdue. I don't agree that he should be getting so much flack for it. I hope he stands strong on the fact that when members act like a bit of an ass they will have consequences because if he does this forum will become a better place for his efforts. In that respect my OP does have righteous intentions.

    Kristy is a big girl and can stand on her own two feet. It is honorable that you want to stick up for her as you are her friend but I really don't think that she needs you to fight her battles for her. The best thing you could do for her as her friend is tell her to settle down, pick her battles and be a bit more respectful of others on the forum. As a friend that would carry a bit more weight and she can come back here and continue to be part of the community. She obviously enjoys being here and many would like her to stay (myself included), as long as she exercises just a bit of discretion.


  • For the record, all, I took the OP as a satirical support of Kristy, although a bit unnecessary IMO. However, I lean more towards Caddies feelings re: Kristy's eventual return than I do the good Doc's.

    I just think we ALL need to settle down and take a breath. That way, no one is on "Post - tilt" if/when Kristy does return.

    P.S. Mark, I am soo jealous you had the guts to go with the Free Kristy tag. WP sir.
  • Honestly, you guys aren't really that dim to think the OP was in support of Kristy?

    I'm with Mark, I saw it as a flame post which would keep this dead issue alive a bit more. Very poor taste at best.
  • Dear Graham,

    I have a ton of respect for your efforts to make this a better place. With that being said, please grow a sack and stop being a pussy. When you get all wishy washy after you have made a decision it makes you look weak and you will become a target. Issues like this only grow legs when you give them opportunity.



    You're right on one thing Caddy, Graham doesn't deserve the flack he's getting. Now how are the legs growing on this issue?
  • FWIW

    I didn't post this as a pro-Kristy thread.... I honestly think that Caddy was being a dick......

    Cadillac.. I don't knwo you from Adam... but what you did here was unnecessary and wrong... it doesn't matter what my relationship with Kirsty is.. you were being instigatory and inappropriate. You may not agree with her approach to things, but that does not give you the license to be aggressive.

    Stop it

  • Ok..it's early..and I haven't been here for a while...just getting caught up on the whole Kristy banning thing and didn't realize it was caddy's way of trying to be funny about the whole thing. Nice try though.

    Come back soon Kristy... I for one miss your posts...usually educational, always entertaining.

    Posts like this are the problem...not opinionated people like Kristy...people need to check their priorities. Caddy, it would have shown more class and you probably would have won more support if you didn't start this post and just sat quiet and enjoyed your little moment in the sun. You had no reason to start this thread, other than what Mark already pointed out. Zero Class, bordering on Pathetic
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