Heads up Cash game.

This was posted on another forum. I thought some little group effort might work here. Comments appreciated and encouraged. I did try to educate him but maybe I was a little harsh. Please chime in.
$1/$2 heads-$up table. This god-awful moron raises me $8 with 57 off....I reraised this prick $30 preflop with my AA. Flop comes 5, 10, 7...i push $172 into pot and he gleefully calls and cracks my aces yet again.

This serves as a microcosm of the jake-ass poker industry, where the best hand nary wins as much as it should. There are similar suckouts in sportsbetting, but not at the same magnitude, and I sure dont have this pent-up rage that I get from this dikwad cracking my aces and then jive talking me afterwards. I mean I never lost a $500 sports bet and then have the book email me, saying "Take that you dirty motherfukker!!!!!".

I cashed out my last $112 of Poker Stars, the poker experiment sucked more dik than a swedish porn star and was too god damn volatile and unpredictable....I'll trust what I consider as sealing my fate on a predetermined bet I place, not some random-ass cards dealt to me.


  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    This was posted on another forum. I thought some little group effort might work here. Comments appreciated and encouraged. I did try to educate him but maybe I was a little harsh. Please chime in.
    just somebody that is piss off when their big hand got crack by small hand.
    i have to say in HU, any two card is playable, and must see that flop.
    That push with AA is pretty bad imo, he only think what he got, never though of what the other guys can have.
    if this is fullring, i am most likely to see sets, but i would be pretty piss off if 57 call my reraise in a FR.....lol
    with that been say, what is he doing plaing 1/2 HU with $3-400 roller?
  • its one aspect of the game I really hate. When you get called by a player with garbage. I find you have to swim with the fish or drown. I played in a cash game last week and my most profitable hands were 24o and 36o. I lost my biggest pot with 56h when I hit two pair on the flop and the guy hit runner, runner for his flush. Otherwise I would have doubled up through him.

    When you get people making pre-flop calls 15x BB with garbage, it really makes you wonder about the skill element of the game. I see his point partially but 27o has a 15% chance to win against AA and if you are getting the right odds to call, any two cards will sometimes do.

    lo, sounds like my Friday night :) But that's another post that will come in due course.

    btw, what is $1/$2 heads-up? some form of head's up cash game?
  • It was a heads up cash game on stars I believe.
  • i don't have any exprience in HU cash game
    however i play HU tournment, mostly $5-$10.
    i did quiet well.
    HU cash games, start at 50NL. and i am not sure if i can beat the rake.
    so i didn't play it.
  • funny coincidence (Sir Watts tournament) which just happened:

    Scott Wilson Eliminated in 46th Place ($26,170)
    Scott Wilson raises 28,000 and Hellmuth makes the call from the big blind. The flop rolls out 843 and Wilson bets, Hellmuth moves all in and Wilson makes the all-in call. They then turn up their hands:

    Hellmuth: 43
    Wilson: AA

    Turn and River: 96

    Wilson is eliminated in 46th place on the hand, and he will take home $26,170 in prize money. Helmuth now has 520,000.

    I guess Helmuth is a donkey to :)
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    its one aspect of the game I really hate. When you get called by a player with garbage.
    When you get people making pre-flop calls 15x BB with garbage, it really makes you wonder about the skill element of the game.
    Sigh. :rolleyes: The more numerous and stupid mistakes your opponents makes, the more money you can make in the long run.

    In a cash game this week, I re-raised pre-flop with A-K and got two callers, including a donkey with Q-8. My all-in was called on the turn with nothing. I busted them both and won a pot of over $400.

    Knowing that donkeys were raising with garbage, I re-raised with A-9s and two donkeys called with 5-2 and A-2. Both calling stations called my re-raise on the flop and my all-in reraise on the turn, and my best hand won. I busted them both and won a pot of over $700.

    I re-raised pre-flop with J-J and two donkeys called, probably with garbage. My raise on the river was called, and I won a pot of almost $600.

    I re-raised in LP with A-T & got 3 callers, including the donkey with only A-7. OOP and with a bad kicker, he went all-in when an Ace flopped. I busted him for at least the third time. I cashed out over $1,800, including around $1,000 just from this one guy alone, and it was because he kept calling pre-flop RE-RAISES with garbage. Bad players with garbage calling your raises is exactly what you want, even though they may occasionally get lucky in the short run.

    As your favourite cash game author wrote, the amount of money you make in poker is based on the gap between your SKILL level and your opponents' skill level. If you cannot beat so-called bad players in the long run, it is not because of bad luck, but because you are not skilled enough to beat them and the rake.
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