How do you prepare?

I'm hoping you at least start with a shower when heading to live games but besides that, does anyone drink (beer/liqour/etc) before/during the games? Does anyone have "shaky hands" when they win a pot? (I remember one of the WSOP shows ... a "seasoned" guy razzed another player because his hands were shaking when he pulled a pot in ... told him he should stick to Internet play ... hehe).

Are there any "exercises" you do to keep focused? Recite a poem, sing a song in your head, etc.?



  • i usually just listen to music when im playing online, keeps me focused on the game and i dont focus on anything but. sometimes ill watch a movie on my computer but only pay attention when i've folded/mucked

    oh ya, never bet into the shake :)
  • I will usually have a beer or two during the game. As for keeping my focus, at I live tourney I have little or no problem keeping focused, online play is a different story.

    I will generally play back a recorded poker program on my TV while I play, any kind of regular TV is just to distracting.
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