angle-shooting or shrewd play?

ok, let's say it was 'me' in the hand. even though it wasn't. honest. i was there and witnessed it and found the situation to be quite amusing but i would feel like shit if it happened to me. i have probably messed up some of the details but you should get the gist of it.

villain is an uber loose-aggressive idiot. he has been fairly boorish at the table, has acted out of turn, criticizing the players and dealers, etc. generally, not a nice person to associate with, if not for the generous donations he has been making to others gathered there.

to the hand in question: the board is mostly low cards, if i recall, not paired and not flushed but a straight is remotely possible. 'i' have 2 pr with a 75s. he is first to act and the pot is maybe 75-100. he checks. ('i' have been warned that sometimes he makes oversized river CR bets.)

'i' want to get paid off so 'i' bet only 50, leaving maybe 150-225 behind, perhaps hoping he'll make one of those crazy river CR bluffs. villain quickly scoops up a big stack of chips and slams it into the pot, raising 'me' enough to put 'me' all-in (or close to it). 'i' take this to mean he either has the nuts or air. it is a tough decision but 'i'm leaning towards calling. 'i' gather 'my' chip stacks together and get 'my' hands behind them, ready to push them in. as 'i' do this, 'i' say these words (and only these words), "well, if i lose this one, then i'm going home'.

as 'i' say this and before 'i' move my stacks, villain bursts out of his chair and says he has a straight. 'i' then calmly say, 'well then, i fold.'

the fold is ruled valid (at multiple levels of authority over a period of 10 minutes or more). this puts villain on insane monkey tilt, looking for anyone in the room who supports his side. strangely, no support was to be found.

am 'i' an angle-shooter? was 'i' unethical? is villain a total moron for acting out of turn?

note, villain did not show his hand. it is quite possible he was shooting an even bigger angle! never a dull moment at the old stable...


  • No angle shoot here..the villian was so excited that he actually won a pot legitimately he screwed himself.

    Being calm and cool at the poker table at all times prevents this from happening....worked well in your case.

    I would have done the exact same thing, except I would have mucked my hand face up and said thank you.

    There is nothing that I can't stand more at the table are these professors who claim to be god's gift to poker and then complain when they get it up the ass by the Jesus of Poker ;)
  • if you didn't say all-in
    if your chips didn't cross the line
    then you are not all-in.
  • awwwwww memories...this one will stay with me for a lifetime ;)

    I was there...saw the whole movie...ate popcorn.

    It is my opinion the 'I' in this story had every intention of pushing allin on Mr. Donkey, but that due to his over anxious slip of the tongue, screwed himself out of very nice pot. Was it 'I's intention to angle shoot? No, not in my opinion. He knew the ruling and the oppurtunity presented itself to him to avoid disaster.

    Can't blame 'I' for taking advantage of the moment due to the inability of Mr. Donkey to keep his mouth shut at a crucial time.

    BTW...for the record...he DID have the straight.
  • if you didn't say all-in
    if your chips didn't cross the line
    then you are not all-in.

    what is with people and thinking that this 'line' is what determines whether or not its a bet/raise.

    The line is there so you guys know what is a nice and acceptable place to PUT your betting/raising chips so that the dealer can reach them. Contrary to popular belief, dealers don't have GO-GO-Gadget arms and can't reach the chips/cards that you just seem to toss in wherever you see fit.

    It is a 'courtesty line' for the dealers that is all. If you throw a chip and it doesnt cross the line, its in there buddy.
  • I think you missed the point of the OP, Brooks. It was the ACTIONS and VERBAL comments said BEFORE chips were moved, and whether or not it could have been construed as 'angle shooting'.

    And its a commonly accepted practise that the chip line is more than just to make it easier on the dealer. Once over, they are considered pot, not stack. Whether or not the dealer can reach them is irrelevant. Most tables I've played on don't even have a line, but players still respect the concept.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    BTW...for the record...he DID have the straight.
    lol by any chance, did you see his cards?

    good feedback. i tend to agree with those saying it is not a call. the only grey area would be the idea that 'my' comments clearing indicated 'i' was calling even though those specific words did not come out.

    i think if the villain had kept his mouth shut for another .5 seconds, the chips would have been moved in, indicating a call. a good example of how you can screw yourself with excitement/impatience.
  • BROOKS wrote: »
    what is with people and thinking that this 'line' is what determines whether or not its a bet/raise.

    The line is there so you guys know what is a nice and acceptable place to PUT your betting/raising chips so that the dealer can reach them. Contrary to popular belief, dealers don't have GO-GO-Gadget arms and can't reach the chips/cards that you just seem to toss in wherever you see fit.

    It is a 'courtesty line' for the dealers that is all. If you throw a chip and it doesnt cross the line, its in there buddy.

    The line is absolutely a bet line, as well as a muck line. Your cards cross the line, they are muked. Your chips cross the line, it's a bet/call/raise. I've never been to a poker room that had a line that wasn't enforced.
  • sure if your chips cross the line they are a bet......Im just saying that the line isnt the determining factor.

    If you toss a chip and it doesnt cross the line, its still a bet.

    If someone shoves their whole stack forward like 6 inches, but it doesnt cross the's still a bet/raise/whatever

    But as already stated, was not the point of this thread
  • BBC is correct. If you look at the posted rule at Rama, that line isn't a bet line. It says so in their rules. It is the line so that most of the dealers can reach chips, cards etc without straining themselves.
  • Now on to the angle at hand. I don't think it was angle shooting, if mr. my dik is bigger than yours had shut up for 30 seconds he would have been stacking the chips barring a suck out.
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