Super-lame community building time

Hey all

So it's been pissy all day around here... so I'm going to try something incredibly lame, of the people you play with the most, break out something that you have noticed / like / believe to be a great asset to the community from a user... just to keep the lameness going, we'll do that whole "Find a user with a name that starts with the last letter of the PREVIOUS user mentioned"....

So, since I"m starting it, and I always love to play at his place... "Zithal"!

Zithal - Poker related he has amazing understanding of the game, specializing in tournament structure obviously, but more importantly, Zithal is an ecclectic man with such a varied number of interests. He is patient, understanding, and very accepting! Much love to Zithal!

Okay... so next is "L"... someone pick it up and to make it easy, use the "L" for someone's screen name or real name... whatever you want.


<P.S. - Yea, I do realize this is lame, but suck it up>


  • Great idea Mark! While I can't add at the moment (I'm trying to get things moderated here) I certainly appreciate your suggestion...
  • LaBeach Steve

    He's insightful and modest and always trying to learn and grow as a poker player. I respect his initiative and always seems like such an awesome grounded, thinking guy. I also like the way he talks about his family, I believe he's an awesome Dad!
  • LOL, I was just going to post, but I was going to use Larry L (the wineman) cuz he drinks good wine, and he's someone from my era so he must be great.....
    So now do we need an "E"...?
    Or should it be "H" since its labeach2002 or perhaps "2" since his user name ends in 2?
  • I went with "H" as in LaBeach,


    I feel we lost out on a terrific opportunity to gather insight and wisdom from an up and coming poster.

    He joined in 2004, made 1 post, and has never been heard from since.

    I miss Hursty.
  • I can hardly wait until we get one ending in "x". I'm sure Kristy knows which one we'll post about then huh Kristy..?
  • lmao..a one poster from 04, gg but I'm taking Mark's idea back from the dark side.


    One of the most naturally talented men I've ever met, smart, sweet, absurdly funny, currently a birthday boy. An amazing friend and my life is better for having met and been close to him. Edmonton hit the jackpot!
  • Play the game fair Kristy. H is already taken.

    Young Grimmm

    He lost an m and never complained.
  • Ok then, how about "magithighs"? I miss the ol Lucky Lou tournaments, Sandy dealt me my only live Royal Flush there..... Only posts occasionally now but has valuable insite to contribute...
  • Oh I gotta take this one!


    My favorite "liar's dice" challenger.... he was funny, humble, but a WICKED resource of poker insight, and a fantastic addition to the board here.. it is EVERYONE'S loss that he isn't around anymore.

  • good luck with another Z.....nice line Mark ;)
  • So it looks like we are back to Zithal again. No rules against multiple posts for the same forum member. If anyone deserves to be mentioned twice it has to be Rob.

    He offers a fantastic tournament format and incredible hospitality. He obviously cares more about running a fun event than winning money since he spends more time being a host than sitting at the table playing his hands.

    Maybe Jeff has the next post already to go.
  • There is this neat feature called "Member's List"

    Z --> Zunni74 (just use the I guys)

    Zunni's fairly new to the forum, but I have personally been consistently impressed by his sponge-like willingness to learn. He asks a lot of questions and takes everyone's experience and advice. It seems to have been working for him with his current success at BCC. I am proud of him, and it reminds me that this forum is ALSO a learning tool

  • Insane Guy (hahaha effed you could have a sweet 'e' from itsame)

    He has this awesome sense of humour that too often goes under appreciated...I lmao at most of the craziness he spouts :D

    He makes the forum a much more fun place to be!

    edit: you could adopt an any letter from their name goes rule?
  • I don't care.. this is funner than I thought it was gonna be...

  • Bump, cuz I think this was a gr8 idea....
  • I'll take the "I" then...

    haha "Itsame"

    I've known the fucker for 25 years now... and though I think at times his poker game is pretty reckless, he's got tonnes of courage. As for Mario himself, he is one of the most honest and loyal people you will ever meet, and I'm glad to be able to call him my friend....

    Or hetero life mate

  • My turn...


    I met Bill through the forum, and have been going to his home games for two years now. He's one of the funniest people I know, and while he doesn't participate on the forum all that much these days, his occasional post is usually to make fun of my husband, which I enjoy ;)

    If you've ever played with Bill, you know that no one is off limits for his jokes - you can't take yourself too seriously when Bill is around, that's for sure.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    haha "Itsame"

    I've known the fucker for 25 years now...
    I don't know forum, is this a direct attack? Will Mario be offended? :):)
    DrTyore wrote: »
    Or hetero life mate

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