what's the biggest pot you've ever taken down?

well, i won my biggest pot ever at River Rock last night....all-in for ~$820 and took down down a pot of $1763....had kings, went against the chip leader who i had wanted to get a hand against all night because he's quite loose and willing to pay off (but he had been hitting pretty good which is why he was still chip leader)....he had JTo on a rag, rainbow flop of Jxx...and the rest is history.....

i remember someone making a post asking to see big tourney results....so how about seeing some record side game pots from people (online or b&m)....what's the biggest pots you guys have won?


  • Probably between $1500 and $2000 USD, but I can't say for sure. Some of the 25/50 shorthanded pots got pretty crazy... 4 players in for $500 each when all was said and done. I'm sure I'd have bigger pots to talk about if I played a lot of NL cash games, but I don't. Because I'd have a heart attack, and then I'd die.

  • ya, tell me about it...i had never won any pots this big before, but i have lost at least 2 for a similar amount....and i had that uneasy feeling of dread, first when he raised...and then when he called my all-in......and when i won, i felt so strange...but good strange :)

    NL is not for the faint of heart, to say the least
  • $4500-ish (USD) in a pot-limit game in Vegas in which my one-over/flush draw sucked out on a flopped set.

    That's the way to win the big ones -- get it all-in with the worst of it and suck out.

    My biggest loss is $500K tournament chips to Dan Harrington at the WSOP. Watvhing the TV coverage of the final has me playing "what if" an awful lot these days.
  • $350-$400 pot in a $10/$20 limit game is my best.
  • And to think you almost folded to that raise of $400 total....LOL that guy was actually a brutal player and gave back some more after you left. My biggest pot was $1300+ I had AA against A-5 and QQ everyone all in preflop. Flop came down 3 4 5 , 8, 8. I win!!! :)
    Hey I'm having a tourney tommarrow let me know if you want in. Also you owe me a beer as well. That was a lot of chips to stack. Bob
  • were you sitting to my left? i asked if you wanted a beer and you declined :)

    ya i did consider folding...anytime the money gets big you gotta consider it....but you're right, that guy was bad, and i had waited all night to get a hand on him.....in the end, if its someone else, maybe i fold....if the board is a bit scarier (there were no realistic draws, it was the raggiest of rag flops), maybe i fold.....but not against him........i was quite surprised he called me on the end, but i guess he figured the pot was so huge already, he felt obliged to see it through....and he actually did have nine outs on the turn when he picked up a gutshot draw, so i'm just glad one of my big hands in a big pot held up for once
  • Nothing compared to you guys but I won a $800 pot, about $350 of it was mine so I guess thats only $450 at the RR Casino in Richmond my first time there. Was playing at the NL table and my trip 10's took down his pocket kings...........
  • If it was me, would you have folded?
    arkose wrote:
    were you sitting to my left? i asked if you wanted a beer and you declined :)

    ya i did consider folding...anytime the money gets big you gotta consider it....but you're right, that guy was bad, and i had waited all night to get a hand on him.....in the end, if its someone else, maybe i fold....if the board is a bit scarier (there were no realistic draws, it was the raggiest of rag flops), maybe i fold.....but not against him........i was quite surprised he called me on the end, but i guess he figured the pot was so huge already, he felt obliged to see it through....and he actually did have nine outs on the turn when he picked up a gutshot draw, so i'm just glad one of my big hands in a big pot held up for once
  • about $225 at a $1-2 NL Table on stars TPTK held up to people missign draws
  • $1236 at nl richmond with queens full of aces beating trip aces king kicker and a straight to the ace.i was very pleased with my good fourtune that day.
  • $1860 in 5-10 pot limit Omaha on pstars. I posted the hand history in 'online talk;
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