For those on rogers, can you look at something for me?

I am on rogers and a couple of weeks ago I was able to get to the site with no problem. Downloaded their client and started playing. For a week and a bit I have been unable to hit the website. I can still use the client to play but the browser will just time out if I try to go to the site.

I have tried to get two other people playing on vcpoker but they too are on rogers and have been unable to get to the site. I sent the client to one person but the install hung.

The odd thing is that 2 other people I know use Sympatico and are able to hit the site with no problems. I thought it might be a DNS issue with rogers but the ip from a ping that a Sympatico user gets back is the same one that I get. I can also see the 15 hops via tracert.

Can anyone else on Rogers get to the site? I'm wondering if rogers could be blocking vcpoker for some strange reason.


  • I can reach it from Cogeco also. That's very odd that they'd block that site. Especially when it's one of the more obscure ones. What about partypoker, or pokerstars, or pacific?
  • I can get to partypoker and pokerstars with no problem, haven't tried pacific yet. I'm in Guelph and the other two people that also can't get to the site are in Kitchener/Waterloo.

    Last night, via the vcpoker client (which I have no problem using to play poker with) I started a chat with a "manager". I tried to explain that I couldn't hit their website and I had 2 other friends that wanted to play there but could not hit the web site either. I said that I thought it might be a DNS issue and provided the IP address that I see for their site and asked if they could tell me what the current ip address of the web site is. I was told:

    "we can't give out that information"

    huh ...

    Well, there was no point in trying to continue the chat after that. I was able to find another friend online who was on Sympatico and when he pinged the site he got the same ip address that I was getting.
  • If you can access it directly by IP address, then it may be a DNS error. If not, then I would say either they're blocking some addresses, or Rogers is for some reason filtering it out.

    Since VC seems uncooperative in that regard, you could verify with Rogers tech support that they're not blocking it. There's no reason for them to block it. There's nothing illegal about you going to the site.

    Good luck...
  • im on rogers and it doesnt work for me either. im in london.
  • I tried getting to the website with the IP and that didn't work either (forgot to mention that in the original post).

    I guess I'll give Rogers a call tonight and see what they say.
  • Well this is odd. I turned on the machine tonight, started IE and tried to go to As that was happening I speed dialed Rogers and started hitting buttons on the phone. I looked back at the browser and BAMM ... I'm looking at

    How bizzare.
  • unfortunately i do tech support for a living (now oem, used to be isp) and this always happens heh, never works, UNTIL you get on the line w/ support and we "flick the switch" and blammo it works!
  • Looks like they are playing with me and are wanting me to call back !!! It's doing it again !!!
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