life sucks

i just was in the middle of writing an awesome, article about online poker. Truly revolutionary. Dave woulda hired me on the spot :)
but then I got dealt runner runner runner runner quads in a stud game
got excited and hit a button and
somehow erased my work in progress.

i guess its gone forever?


  • I think I can help...

    I just completed building a time machine... like just 2 minutes ago... I can loan it to you so you can go back in time and save your work. I don't want to test this thing on you though... so I'll try it first... hang on a minute...
    AWESOME... it worked... I transported myself an hour into the future... cool... you just set a time on the screen and push a button and you just materialize into the future. Let me see if it works going back in time....
    You won't believe it... I sent myself back in time, about 4 hours... but the current draw was too much for the breakers.... The lights were out when I materialized... I lit a match to see, but I stumbled over something and bumped my head, and dropped the match... The plans for the machine went up in flames and I can't remember how to finish it. (Note to self... build time machine that travels with you through time) I guess you're on your own... Sorry!
  • Gosh Harthgosh I'm tired of lazy pinkos like you running your mouth about "revolution" this and "revolution" that. Well you just remember that there are good ol hard working men like me out there who don't blame other people for their mistakes. What am I supposed to say huh smart guy?

    My son: "daddy did you get those tickets to StephenHarperPalooza?"
    "Oh sorry son I had quads" !!!!!!??????

    Of course not, I've got responsibilities! It's time this country stopped listening to smart (pinko) poker players like HarthGosh and stopped blaming quads for all our problems!

    LA Angelos Esq. :canada: :canada: :canada:
  • u do not make sense.

    hope u didnt spend 2 much time writing that message carlo
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