When the planets align ...

The other night on VCPoker I had a particularly good hand:

Got delt: QJs
Flop: XXAs

Small raise was made, I called.

Turn: Ks

Slightly bigger raise was made, I called. Heading for a possible flush draw I said to myself "damn it'd be funny if the ten of spades was delt to the board".

River: Ts

I nearly fell off my chair. I made a "moddest" bet. One person folds the other calls. To that I showed my Straight (Royal) Flush and collected the pot. I had trouble playing the rest of the game because the tears of joy blurred the images on the monitor.


  • It's too bad when you get a hand like that, and can't get alot of money in the pot. Nice hand though. My best so far is Queen high strt flush.
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