favourite words

Now that we've identified that you're all smarter than me; I thought it might be fun to do this.

Mine right now is Quixotic, I have a version of it as a username on a poker site even.

Quixotism is the description of a person or an act that is caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals. It also serves to describe an idealism without regard to practicality. An impulsive person or act can be regarded as quixotic.

Quixotism is usually related to "over-idealism", meaning an idealism that doesn't take the consequences into account. It is also related to naïve romanticism and to utopianism.


  • Is this going to be a battle of sesquipedalian users?
  • I'm hoping! (and I concede the battle, I just wanted a front row seat)
  • Did you have to look it up before you answered? lol..
    I confess I knew the word, but did look it up to confirm the spelling.... :)
  • I was close: I could have made a slightly +ev repost without- but for max value, I admit that I did check.
  • Due to the average IQ here I rarely get into conversations that are polysyllabic. As such I defer to the masters here so as not to lower myself to their standards.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Now that we've identified that you're all smarter than me; I thought it might be fun to do this.

    Mine right now is Quixotic, I have a version of it as a username on a poker site even.

    Quixotism is the description of a person or an act that is caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals. It also serves to describe an idealism without regard to practicality. An impulsive person or act can be regarded as quixotic.

    Quixotism is usually related to "over-idealism", meaning an idealism that doesn't take the consequences into account. It is also related to naïve romanticism and to utopianism.

    Quixotic = 128 pts on the tripple word score. :D
  • Those of us who are of a more locquacious bent need not ostentatiously display our excessive verbiage for the unlettered to fawn over. The occasional insertion of a heteroclitic adjective here and there is usually enough to establish our bona fides.

    By the way, my favourite word is Paladin. ^-^
  • My favorite word right now is "wombat", especially when used as part of the phrase "I feel like a baby wombat". Not very complicated, so probably not what Kristy's looking for (but every time I say it I giggle inside, so too bad ;) ).

    But to get back on topic, I think a group discussion about the word "soliloquy" would be rather humorous.
  • Do you know what word has always upset me: 'Gig'

    I hate it, "I've got a gig." "let me just put my guitar back in my gig bag" etc

    It makes me feel like the dream where you go to school/work naked.
  • Would sort of save time for strippers, though . . .
  • They had strippers at your school?
  • Was thinking more along the lines of work. But I'm sure a few of the girls I went to high school with might have taken up the box.
  • My favourite word is ish.

  • It's not nearly as academic, or high falootin' as all of yours, but my favourite word is "fugly". So it's not a real word......it still works quite effectively.
  • I also heart 'butterface'
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    My favorite word right now is "wombat", especially when used as part of the phrase "I feel like a baby wombat". Not very complicated, so probably not what Kristy's looking for (but every time I say it I giggle inside, so too bad ;) ).

    This is on the bookshelf in my house...


    I am a voracious reader with eclectic tastes.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    I am a voracious reader with eclectic tastes.

    lol, nh Daddy
  • My fav word of all time is Human. I just like the way it sounds.

  • I'm recently enjoying the work "bunk", as in "thats bunk". Not sure where is came from but i'm using it as much as possible. Sorry Kristy its not the most exiciting word.

  • Seriously.

    - is one of the most functional and not completely offensive words out there.....
  • she's writing for a site called sans serif....and it looks like she and I have the same turn on.

  • Now, if that were one of his profs, Mike just MIGHT go back to school . . .
    or at least take soem night classes. I'm sure she is a real cunning linguist.
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

    I was trying to get this as my new Poker Site name, but they wouldn't let me.

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis means, in layman terms, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "a factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust found in volcanoes' but occurring chiefly as an instance of a very long word."[1] It was coined to serve as the longest English word[2].

    Look up pneumonoultramicroscopic- silicovolcanoconiosis in
    Wiktionary, the free dictionary.Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word ever to appear in an English language dictionary. This 45-letter word, referred to as P45[2], first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in 1936. It is still listed in the current edition of the OED, as well as several current American dictionaries.[3]

    Maybe I'll just shorten my name to P45.
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