Hand for discussion

Villian here spent the better part of 20 minutes telling me how badly I played and how he so outplayed me. He just sat down but a quick scan of my poker tracker stats showed me that he was loose, VPIP of 33%, WTSD 40% WSD 20% Turn AF 1.25 and River AF of 5!!!!! Even tho it was his first hand it seemed to me he played way to many hands and would make a mad bluff at the river if he thought he could push people off.

Here's the hand in question: Comments are welcome.

Seat 1: Gela_Lage ($3.45)
Seat 2: Acid Joe ($51.55)
Seat 3: cefurst ($25)
Seat 4: xeN1337 ($5)
Seat 5: AcesTwelve ($28.05)
Seat 6: hawkeyefan68 ($7.90)
Seat 7: AsianGreenback ($17.10)
Seat 8: River Rojo ($25)
Seat 9: jkon04 ($39.70)
Gela_Lage posts the small blind of $0.10
Acid Joe posts the big blind of $0.25
5 seconds left to act
River Rojo posts $0.25
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Acid Joe [9d Kd]
cefurst folds
xeN1337 folds
AcesTwelve folds
hawkeyefan68 folds
AsianGreenback calls $0.25
River Rojo checks
jkon04 calls $0.25
Gela_Lage calls $0.15
Acid Joe checks
*** FLOP *** [Js 6d Kc]
Gela_Lage checks
Acid Joe bets $1
AsianGreenback has 15 seconds left to act
AsianGreenback folds
River Rojo calls $1
jkon04 folds
Gela_Lage calls $1 2 callers had me a little worried but no one played back so I still thought I may be ahead

*** TURN *** [Js 6d Kc] [7h]
Gela_Lage checks
Acid Joe has 15 seconds left to act
Acid Joe bets $3.75
River Rojo raises to $7.50 Min raise didn't make any sense to me here no flush possible but several potential straights now.
Gela_Lage folds
Acid Joe calls $3.75
*** RIVER *** [Js 6d Kc 7h] [2c] Seemed to be a good card no straights got filled in, I felt given his stats I fold anything except the all in. A half pot bet would seem far more scarey. The all in seemed to fill his high river AF and his low W$SD. I hate my kicker but here I was playing his stats.
Acid Joe checks
River Rojo bets $16.25, and is all in
Acid Joe calls $16.25
Gela_Lage adds $3
*** SHOW DOWN ***
River Rojo shows [Kh 8h] a pair of Kings
Acid Joe shows [9d Kd] a pair of Kings
Acid Joe wins the pot ($49.20) with a pair of Kings
River Rojo is sitting out


  • Given the read, I don't HATE the way you played it...

    But I don't think I could have played it that way... I'm too chicken $hit.... :)

    Tell me you fed him a "BOOYAH!"

  • Love you, hate the hand.

    flop bet sucks, (too big) turn lead is too big and sending good money after bad most often, flat call min raise ewww, and the shove...what exactly does he have that you're beating, think about the range there?

    Don't be results oriented, you played almost every street badly.
  • Yeah play this hand to control the pot size, getting your stack in here is going to be disastrous in the long run.
  • don't listen to these clowns, joe. you played stack-a-donk perfectly.

    wait a sec, i thought it was 'K8 make muhhhhhhhhney!'
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Acid Joe [9d Kd]
    cefurst folds
    xeN1337 folds
    AcesTwelve folds
    hawkeyefan68 folds
    AsianGreenback calls $0.25
    River Rojo checks
    jkon04 calls $0.25
    Gela_Lage calls $0.15
    Acid Joe checks
    *** FLOP *** [Js 6d Kc]
    Gela_Lage checks
    Acid Joe bets $1
    AsianGreenback has 15 seconds left to act
    AsianGreenback folds
    River Rojo calls $1
    jkon04 folds
    Gela_Lage calls $1 2 callers had me a little worried but no one played back so I still thought I may be ahead

    Heehaw, you got a donk show.

    The bet here makes sense IF you think you have the best hand. Are you prepared to get your stack all in here? If your post flop advantage that big?

    AND you don't have position against 2 opponents.

    I like checking the flop here NOT betting the flop here. Checking here is a fine option to protect your stack. It is a small pot and you really don't have anything invested. If you get c/r by the other player with a LAG in the middle what are you going to do?

    *** TURN *** [Js 6d Kc] [7h]
    Gela_Lage checks
    Acid Joe has 15 seconds left to act
    Acid Joe bets $3.75

    With multiple people in this pot, this bet can get you into alot of trouble.
    Your commiting your stack as this pot is getting BIG, and your doing it with top pair no kicker.
    River Rojo raises to $7.50 Min raise didn't make any sense to me here no flush possible but several potential straights now.
    Gela_Lage folds
    Acid Joe calls $3.75

    OH OH.... I think the reraise looks weak but you have a LAG who is saying I want you to call. And you have to call.

    I don't think this is a str semi bluff, that would usually be done on the flop, especially with position. So this is starting look more and more like a value bet with two pair, a set maybe a K with a good kicker.
    *** RIVER *** [Js 6d Kc 7h] [2c] Seemed to be a good card no straights got filled in, I felt given his stats I fold anything except the all in. A half pot bet would seem far more scarey. The all in seemed to fill his high river AF and his low W$SD. I hate my kicker but here I was playing his stats.

    The reraise on the turn screams made pair, so the push is even less likely a missed str., his stats are one thing but you really beat only 4 other kings and unless you think he would be completely out of line here and show up with nothing it is hard to call ANY bet.

    I think you got lucky that he showed down with such a weak hand. This is a hero call but his stats also easily mean 67o, KJo, K7s even K2s and you just got stacked off and stacked off pretty light too.
  • I probably did get lucky. However I wasn't committing my stack as I had already doubled up, but I was committing one buy in. Min raises at this level scream Bull Shit. But those who know me know I'm willing to donk it up at this level tremendously.

    My gut kept telling me his storey with betting didn't make any sense to me. As such I was "sucked" into this hand. I bet out on the turn because I thought I was ahead. If he had raised to $11, I probably fold at this point. His push seemed to go hand in hand with his stats and I called. If he didn't push I probably fold there too (if that makes any sense since I would think it was for value and not being the bully). If I check and he bets out the turn I still don't know what I would have done but that might depend on the size of the bet.

    I did like what you said Tyson, and you made some very valid points. I do value PT stats and the reads I put into them and this worked out ok. And if he had flipped over J6 or something, I kick my ass and know I should have known better.
  • Yeah... that's why I hate playing out of position. I would have called pre-flop... but I think I would have dumped the hand at some point, especially being out of position with 2 callers. Unless, of course, I got lucky and paired my kicker or had a flush draw, I would have dumped it.

    If anything, I would have put in a small, defensive bet on the river. Just calling the min raise on the turn smelled of weakness, which was confirmed when you checked the river. By putting in a small bet on the river, Villain may have just called instead of going all-in. You still would have lost the hand, but you would have saved some money. At that point, it was the best way to minimize your losses and still have a show-down.
  • SirWatts wrote: »
    Yeah play this hand to control the pot size, getting your stack in here is going to be disastrous in the long run.

    This was probably the biggest error I made, playing power poker without much of a hand. Controlling the pot size is probably my biggest leak since at this level I usually play pure aggression.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I probably did get lucky. However I wasn't committing my stack as I had already doubled up, but I was committing one buy in. Min raises at this level scream Bull Shit. But those who know me know I'm willing to donk it up at this level tremendously.

    I'm not going to donkey pat you Joe, and I don't think you'd want me to...those are all stupid excuses.

    AcidJoe wrote: »
    My gut kept telling me his storey with betting didn't make any sense to me.

    His story was that he flopped top pr and thought he was good (so much so that he put his entire stack in)

    You like what Tyson said because it helps you justify your play.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    You like what Tyson said because it helps you justify your play.

    Umm I thought I was against his play pretty much the whole way, well except the preflop check.

    Did I miss something?

    Oh wait, when I said he had to call I meant he has to call the min reraise as it is 1/4 of the pot but it is also committing you to the river, or getting blown off the hand with a scare card.

    But umm I think this was bad all the way around.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »

    I did like what you said Tyson?
    Ummm huh?

    You overbet the flop, rebet the turn and overcalled the river. I hope I did not say to do any of that.

    Check the flop, check the turn and call a small pot on the river.
  • Your analysis made sense to me. I do at this level get carried away playing power poker because a $25 hit to me doesn't matter as much as it probably should. I don't think Tyson justified my play at all Kristy and I don't expect you to donk pat me. (maybe just once :) )
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