Good Fold or Bad Fold

No reads on villian as she (avatar was female) had only been in for one orbit and played maybe 2 hands. I didn't want to get my whole stack involved here. How do you play it?

Table Bradly Springs - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:05:59 ET - 2008/02/02
Seat 1: roboshh ($7.70)
Seat 2: eisber ($5.25)
Seat 3: o_yes163 ($15)
Seat 4: niveek ($34.70)
Seat 5: Infiltr4t0R ($25)
Seat 6: MastermindT ($24.40)
Seat 7: Acid Joe ($28.30)
Seat 8: JeanPrice ($5.75)
Seat 9: Tropican ($15.90)
Acid Joe posts the small blind of $0.10
JeanPrice posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Acid Joe [Qs Qc]
Tropican raises to $0.85
roboshh folds
eisber folds
o_yes163 folds
niveek folds
Infiltr4t0R folds
MastermindT adds $0.60
MastermindT folds
Acid Joe raises to $2.80
JeanPrice has 15 seconds left to act
JeanPrice folds
Tropican raises to $15.90, and is all in
Acid Joe has 15 seconds left to act
o_yes163 has been disconnected
o_yes163 has reconnected
Acid Joe folds
Uncalled bet of $13.10 returned to Tropican
Tropican mucks
Tropican wins the pot ($5.85)


  • I think I got my answer after playing about 60 hands I'll tag that person as ultra aggressive. I think it was far better than I thought.
  • I would be all-in for sure; only two hands beat you and if its AK race, so be it. I would think AA or KK would be a bigger raise.
  • ship $13.10. Though I don't think that AA or KK would be a bigger raise. (smaller 3x)

    What I want to know is why is MastermindT allowed to add $0.60 before he folds?
  • I realize there is only 2 hands that beat me. Without a read so many players will make the big re raise of all in with either AA or KK. After playing 5 orbits I knew I had made a mistake.
  • I guess your only mistake is not having datamined enough. I'm datamining 16 tables 24x7.

    As played with zero reads you can to fold.
    I've been toying with the Sklanskey idea of just flat calling/limping with 22-QQ. The idea here is with deep stacks you're avoiding getting blown off hands and playing for set value. I'm not sure where I stand with this idea.

    I notice that there a lot more players who play, "One-street-hold'em"

    I think they think something like this.

    "I suck at postflop play"
    "Therefore I push"
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I would be all-in for sure; only two hands beat you and if its AK race, so be it. I would think AA or KK would be a bigger raise.

    I would tend to agree...way too many people overplay AK even AQ AJ A10... search out this guy and clean him out next time
  • "I suck at postflop play"
    "Therefore I push"

    I think this is what he villain is telling you. Easy call.
  • i think that was a bad flop QQ is probably one of the most stellar hands i think i would be all in for sure with that hand its not like JJ that gets me in trouble all the time lol and A 10
  • Reef, I hadn't play at FT in a long time but they gave me a bonus to play so I started back up. Some players I have well over 2K hands with but I've only started recently datamining and this person didn't make the list.

    Last year when I played there actively I datamined and made a killing searching out the fishes at the table. I believe table selection is probably the most key thing to playing. I guess the other thing is I only deposited $50 to clear a $75 bonus so I was also playing with fire if I get busted out. It's better now that I have 3 figures in there LOL.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I believe table selection is probably the most key thing to playing

    This statement is very true. It amazes me how often i will see a table full of tag regulars when there are tables with a few fish that have empty seats. With datamining and tools like spade eye it isnt hard to find soft tables.
  • All in is the only move for me.
  • Most the time, if you have no reads, I would tend to guess that people with AA or KK and not going to try to blow you out of the pot with a huge pre-flop re-re-raise....cause if they are using their head at all you would think they would want at least one person to CALL when they have AA or KK, cause you want to make some money (ya know, I hear that is what people are trying to do with this poker stuff...) So his shove seems almost weak to me, so Id be calling with the QQ in this spot - Ive seen so many times donks shoving trying to muscle people out of a pot and generally, its pretty weak and many times when you call (even though its scary) when you flip up, you are ahead. I think you would have stacked that donk.
  • i'd have to call in this spot especially if you arent grindin because u are broke.
  • At this level I've seen to many big re raises with AA or KK. Hell I've done it live at Rama with AA and got the QQ to call me. I am of the firm belief (if I'm playing correctly) that unless your delighted your opponent has gone all in it becomes a fold. That being said if your opponent pushes another $1.55 in I ain't going nowhere even if all I got is two overs. In a heartbeat again I call after watching them play. If I could find out what they had I'm sure it was a mid pair (tt) or AQ or AJ maybe AK.
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