AA OOP -- Street by Street -- Interesting

Another interesting hand out of position. Again I think I played it right, but I'm really not that sure and would like some input.

Over 17 hands, UTG has raised 100%. Other villan has raised 50% over 30 hands. Both will not be pushed around but play relatively normal after the flop.

Party Poker $100 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked.com

BTN: $102.60
SB: $100.50
Hero (BB): $118.97
UTG: $101.00
MP: $100.00
CO: $35.58

Pre Flop: Hero is BB with :as :ad

UTG raises to $4, 2 folds, BTN calls $4, 1 fold, Hero raises to $12, UTG calls $8, BTN calls $8

Thoughts on the raise here?

Flop: ($36.50) :jd :8d :3h (3 players)

What's your move here?



  • Since you know these 2 are both maniacs PF but more reasonable after, I'd be tempted to get a bit more in PF. Maybe I raise to 15. I'd want to charge a bit more since I'm OOP.

    On that flop, given your stack and opponents play, you are committed. So one way or another, you are getting your chips in. I don't see any need to get fancy. I'd lead out for 25-30 on the flop and get the rest of my chips in if raised. I'd push the rest in on the turn.
  • Raise more preflop... make it like 16-18

    Bet like 28 or so on the flop and call a shove
  • with a raiser raising 4xBB PF and a caller i would raise more to prob $16 PF but thats just my opinion, i'd say u are getting your chips in here one way or another
  • magithighs wrote: »
    Hero is BB with :as :ad
    Thoughts on the raise here?
    I had the same situation happen to me this week. Two loose players raise 6* the BB to $12. I wake up with AA on the BB. Like you, I have the largest stack & have everybody covered. I re-raised to only $30 & they both called. In hindsight, I could have raised more to ~4* their bet (e.g., $45) & would probably still have gotten called.

    My flop also had possible flush & straight draws. I bet $60 or 2/3 of the $91 pot. The preflop raiser min-raised to $120, leaving only around $100 behind. I opted to re-raise him all-in & he folded.

    With $36.50 in the pot, both of your opponents have only $90 behind. I would bet at least $25 and would probably go all-in by the turn.
  • I raise to $18 preflop. You are OOP X 2 with a premium hand. Charge them admission to see.

    Based on your post-flop reads, I lead for around 50% of pot if I get one caller pre-flop. 2/3 if they both call.
  • Totally agree on the raising more PF. This is what happens when you're running bad -- worried about getting action on the big hands. So, I raised a tad to little to get some action. I think 16-18 would be much better. Again, though I don't want to commit too much pre-flop, as I feel I can get all the chips in when I'm ahead post flop. But OOP against two players is bad.

    On the flop, I think AJ, QQ, KK will want to protect. And the LAGS will definitely bet with nothing. So, once again, I check the flop -- thinking I am happy to get it all in with UTG, but will rethink if action is strange.

    On the flop it goes, check, check, check. Hmmm... I like that and I don't like that.

    Here's the hand

    BTN: $102.60
    SB: $100.50
    Hero (BB): $118.97
    UTG: $101.00
    MP: $100.00
    CO: $35.58

    Pre Flop: Hero is BB with :as :ad

    UTG raises to $4, 2 folds, BTN calls $4, 1 fold, Hero raises to $12, UTG calls $8, BTN calls $8

    Thoughts on the raise here?

    Flop: ($36.50) :jd :8d :3h (3 players)

    The turn is :6h which doesn't change much.

    I bet $26, call, call. I really, really hate that call, call. For sure one is on a flush and the other could be on monster. No reason to call my bet with AJ, QQ, KK, AA or even TT. More than likely a push with those hands. Could be flush draw, flush draw as well.

    River is :6d. What is your move?

  • Fold out of turn. Smash your computer and never play online again.
  • Yeah definitely just reraise bigger and bet the flop. Now you gotta check and see what happens, there's still a ton of stuff that missed that could bluff here, going to have to make a tough decision based on whaetver reads you have.
  • You have to bet this flop against 2 players. As played check the river and see what happens. I tend to be a calling station on the river and likely call more than most. You very likely had the best hand on the turn and all the river completes is a diamond flush and since you have the A of diamonds there are fewer diamond combinations they could have... i doubt T9 of diamonds plays it this way same with 97 and 54 of diamonds since by the turn they are open ended as well. I guess KQ or QT of diamonds are really the only diamond draws that make sense and im not sure QT checks the flop with a gutshot straight flush draw. Basically since I don't think most diamond draws play the hand this way I have a hard time putting someone on diamonds. It really depends on how these guys have been playing draws... if they have been playing them passively I would be more inclined to fold.
  • I love -ev's move -- much better than stonecold's new move I believe!

    I think I need to raise more pre-flop. I do like the check on the flop as I get to see what the agro idiots do.

    Party Poker $100 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
    The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter
    BTN: $102.60
    SB: $100.50
    Hero (BB): $118.97
    UTG: $101.00
    MP: $100.00
    CO: $35.58
    Pre Flop: Hero is BB with A :spade: A :diamond:
    UTG raises to $4, 2 folds, BTN calls $4, 1 fold, Hero raises to $12, UTG calls $8, BTN calls $8
    Flop: ($36.50) :jd :8d :3h (3 players)
    Hero checks, UTG checks, BTN checks
    Turn: ($36.50) :6h (3 players)
    Hero bets $28, UTG calls $28, BTN calls $28
    River: ($120.50) :6d (3 players)
    Hero checks, UTG bets $61 all in, BTN raises to $62.60 all in, Hero folds
    Final Pot: $242.50
    BTN shows Qd Td (a flush, Queen high)
    UTG shows Jc Jh (a full house, Jacks full of Sixes)
    BTN wins $1.60
    UTG wins $239.50
    (Rake: $1.40)
  • Personally, I don't like the check on the flop. With possible straight draws and flush draws out there, you don't want to be giving away any free cards. I'd bet about 1/2 to 2/3 of the pot. If I get raised (which is likely if you have maniacs behind you), I push all in. If I get called, I consider if the turn may have helped the villains. If it didn't (which was the case) I'd over-bet the pot.

    Then again, I play by feel alot... so depends on your feel for the situation and the players. But I think I'd have definitely bet the flop with flush draws and straight draws.
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