Anyone find a fold here?

Anyone find a fold here? Smoothy-g IS A LOOSE AGRO - 65/32

Neo Pills is a 40/20 --- umm donkey is the best fit

Full Tilt Poker Game #4995205318: $25,000 Guarantee (37271568), Table 28 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:29:54 ET - 2008/01/25
Seat 1: SUBATEX82 (4,165)
Seat 2: tore666 (3,435)
Seat 3: NEONPILS99 (2,990)
Seat 4: FOURNNNNS (3,694)
Seat 5: PunterTHFC (2,555)
Seat 6: pkb6786 (13,530)
Seat 7: smoothy-g (11,531)
Seat 8: Hero (3,753)
Seat 9: IRONBALLSS (3,610)
SUBATEX82 posts the small blind of 100
tore666 posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Roswel [Js Ad]
NEONPILS99 raises to 500
PunterTHFC folds
pkb6786 folds
smoothy-g calls 500
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
smoothy-g: jakkkkkkkasssssssss
Hero calls 500
SUBATEX82 folds
tore666 folds
*** FLOP *** [Jd 4d 6s]
NEONPILS99 checks
smoothy-g has 15 seconds left to act
smoothy-g bets 3,800
Hero calls 3,253, and is all in
NEONPILS99 folds
smoothy-g shows [6d 5d]
Hero shows [Js Ad]
Uncalled bet of 547 returned to smoothy-g
*** TURN *** [Jd 4d 6s] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 4d 6s 3d] [Kc]
smoothy-g shows a flush, Jack high
Hero shows a pair of Jacks
smoothy-g wins the pot (8,306) with a flush, Jack high
Hero stands up


  • Redington wrote: »
    Anyone find a fold here? Smoothy-g IS A LOOSE AGRO - 65/32

    Neo Pills is a 40/20 --- umm donkey is the best fit

    Full Tilt Poker Game #4995205318: $25,000 Guarantee (37271568), Table 28 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:29:54 ET - 2008/01/25
    Seat 1: SUBATEX82 (4,165)
    Seat 2: tore666 (3,435)
    Seat 3: NEONPILS99 (2,990)
    Seat 4: FOURNNNNS (3,694)
    Seat 5: PunterTHFC (2,555)
    Seat 6: pkb6786 (13,530)
    Seat 7: smoothy-g (11,531)
    Seat 8: Hero (3,753)
    Seat 9: IRONBALLSS (3,610)
    SUBATEX82 posts the small blind of 100
    tore666 posts the big blind of 200
    The button is in seat #9
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Roswel [Js Ad]
    NEONPILS99 raises to 500
    FOURNNNNS folds
    PunterTHFC folds
    pkb6786 folds
    smoothy-g calls 500
    Hero has 15 seconds left to act
    smoothy-g: jakkkkkkkasssssssss
    Hero calls 500
    IRONBALLSS folds
    SUBATEX82 folds
    tore666 folds
    *** FLOP *** [Jd 4d 6s]
    NEONPILS99 checks
    smoothy-g has 15 seconds left to act
    smoothy-g bets 3,800
    Hero calls 3,253, and is all in
    NEONPILS99 folds
    smoothy-g shows [6d 5d]
    Hero shows [Js Ad]
    Uncalled bet of 547 returned to smoothy-g
    *** TURN *** [Jd 4d 6s] [3d]
    *** RIVER *** [Jd 4d 6s 3d] [Kc]
    smoothy-g shows a flush, Jack high
    Hero shows a pair of Jacks
    smoothy-g wins the pot (8,306) with a flush, Jack high
    Hero stands up

    Why smooth call PF when you could be a man and shove? Its push or fold in this situation preflop imo*...I'm never folding on the flop though...
  • M of 12, so no need to get pushy pre-flop... but I'm fine if you want to do that also.

    On the flop, against what you perceive to be aggros / donks? Nah... I push all my chips in.

  • Do not see folding post flop on that hand. However, preflop the only thing I would not consider is calling as you did given the way you describe the players.
  • Ya shoving pre here is pretty good against guys that loose. As played you have the toppest of pairs with the toppest of kickers so I would not fold.
  • I'm going to disagree with a lot of people & say I hate shoving preflop here. The BB is only 200, you have about 3,800. Just because the initial raiser is a donk doesn't mean he's not allowed to have a monster from early position. LAG do sometimes flat call raises w/ monsters, I just hate the idea of risking 3,800 with such a marginal hand when you have 19 BBs (I don't consider that desperate at all yet).
  • I'm folding preflop cuz they weren't suited. :) I have no problems with the way you played it I probably (maybe) play it the same way. I give some consideration to pushing preflop but maybe the best course is to see the flop and hit it (which you did) and then get my chips in.
  • Thanks guys for the responses;

    I did not want to shove preflop as the there were two other decent players that would open shove with top hands, one had open shoved and shown AA, KK KK QQ. I would have folded to the open shove from either of those but felt safe seeing the flop with the the usual suspects.
  • Text results appended to pokerstove.txt
    990 games 0.005 secs 198,000 games/sec
    Board: Jd 4d 6s
    equity win tie pots won pots tied
    Hand 0: 52.727% 52.73% 00.00% 522 0.00 { AdJs }
    Hand 1: 47.273% 47.27% 00.00% 468 0.00 { 6d5d }
    not sure if i want to get my money in here
    at best you are 52.73% ahead.
    plus QQ+ had you beat
    i think his play is alright, he has 47.27% that open push, should give him some fold equity, say at least 10%.
    so he is ahead of you.
    this hand, push preflop or fold.
    on the flop, is a dumb call.
    sry, IMO.....
  • Your basing it on what he actually had in his hand Chuckie, that is something most of us cannot be certain of. Given how aggressive the villian is he might have bet out regardless of what he had knowing that Hero may have missed that flop completely. If your so good that during the play of the hand you can determine your only a 52.7% favourite then your a far better player than me. Villian had a huge draw and hero had one of the best flops he could have the chips are destined to find there way in.
  • doo
    monkey...get off my back...go leave monkey leave
  • Monteroy wrote: »
    Do not see folding post flop on that hand. However, preflop the only thing I would not consider is calling as you did given the way you describe the players.
    i agree with Monteroy, if the other players involved are loose agr/donks then maybe a different option preflop. however you may also have a weaker hand this time although you are just hoping that the cards they are playing fit what kind of player they are. a reraise may not have given you too much more info with these chip stacks

    i can't see myself folding either!
  • I can't believe Tyson needs advice on being more
  • I'm disappointed. I was expecting a photo of a fat chick with some mazola.
  • Fold the turn after he makes the flush.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Fold the turn after he makes the flush.

    Thanks for the insight, btw when does your magic show air?
  • I like your play here, including the call preflop. I would NOT raise or push PRE here as the your Yellow MZone just isn't considerd that desperate. If your were orange and definately RED it's a push.

    Your post flop play was correct too, especially against players you know are going to let it ride on a draw. There is no shame in losing this pot to a wanker because you got where you wanted him and that was the right and profitable play.
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