Family Day

So the company I work originally said that they were going to give us the new Family Day holiday in February. Now they have decided to take it away. Any other forumers experience something similiar at your place of work? Are you getting the day off or do you have a bunch of a$$holes running the company like I do and being forced to work?


  • coolblue24 wrote: »
    So the company I work originally said that they were going to give us the new Family Day holiday in February. Now they have decided to take it away. Any other forumers experience something similiar at your place of work? Are you getting the day off or do you have a bunch of a$$holes running the company like I do and being forced to work?

    Are you a meat packer?
  • From what I have heard, those employees that work for companies that have a "floater" seem to be getting screwed on the deal. They get family day but lose the floater.
  • We are getting the family day and keeping all our floaters also. The company I work for always seems to do the little extras for their employees.
  • fook'n employers, i hear ya on that on cool.

    as far as it goes i get the day off, they have not changed anything where i work yet, which is good cause the ftops main event is the day before.

    i'm getting sick of idiot employers myself, you should check into it cool as it is a stat holiday.
  • Yep, it is always the employers fault.

    Here's a good example of another bad employer;

    Oh and boohoo about your floaters being used...too bad as you dont get that 21st day of holidays on average.

    You know maybe if we didnt worry so much about having a BIG house and two cars in every driveway, a big screen TV, central air and all the bullshit consumerism and worked to live, we could be in a society that fostered 2-3 months holidays like many countries in Europe.

    But since that won't happen anytime soon, lets just keep fostering a sense of entitlement that has been the lifeforce of the CAW and it's jedi knight Buzz Hargrove.
  • lol

    reddington must be a employer:) .

    i think what your talking about is the idiots who make 25-30 dollars a hour and go on strike boohooing they are not getting enough money.

    Redington wrote: »
    Yep, it is always the employers fault.

    Here's a good example of another bad employer;

    Oh and boohoo about your floaters being used...too bad as you dont get that 21st day of holidays on average.

    You know maybe if we didnt worry so much about having a BIG house and two cars in every driveway, a big screen TV, central air and all the bullshit consumerism and worked to live, we could be in a society that fostered 2-3 months holidays like many countries in Europe.

    But since that won't happen anytime soon, lets just keep fostering a sense of entitlement that has been the lifeforce of the CAW and it's jedi knight Buzz Hargrove.
  • philliivey wrote: »

    reddington must be a employer

    or a hippie.

    Anyone on this forum want to start a Kibbutz?

    P.S. Red, I sincerely love your post.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    From what I have heard, those employees that work for companies that have a "floater" seem to be getting screwed on the deal. They get family day but lose the floater.

    We used to get Easter Monday as well as Friday, now we get Family Day and only the Friday. Pretty standard I think, but still angers up the blood a little.

    This is one of those campaign promisses that sounded good, but when you really boil it down, it is causing a lot of headaches, especially for this first year.
  • We used to get Easter Monday as well as Friday, now we get Family Day and only the Friday. Pretty standard I think, but still angers up the blood a little.

    Yeah in like grade school. Get over it. Easter Monday was never a stat holidy.
  • Sorry Cad, I am neither communist nor an NDP supporter.

    You could consider me a hippy, I was green back when it wasn't vogue.
    However, I have never been an NDPer, and I personally think Buzz Hargrove should be hunted simmilarly to Saddamn, lets use his head as a soccerball.

    Don't get me wrong, CEO's that get million dollar bonuses while thier companies are breaking the backs of the people who built them should be used as the goal posts.

    I guess my long winded point is that you should love your job, love what you build and take pride in it.

    If most people werent so enslaved by their possessions, they allow thier emploers to enslave them for trinkets.
  • Red's pissed because he doesnt own the companies that screw the employees.

    That's how to profit from it.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    From what I have heard, those employees that work for companies that have a "floater" seem to be getting screwed on the deal. They get family day but lose the floater.

    This is exactly what happened at Laurier. Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you.

    I usually go to BCC on this day and wait 2 hours for a table. Between the "extra" staff for a holiday + the new phone service maybe I'll get seated in a decent amount of time.
  • you can pretty much blame feminism for all this
  • Nope. I blame politicians who will say anything EXCEPT something substantial in order to get re-elected, AND the morons who fall for it.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Are you a meat packer?

    No, I am not a meat packer. I am an office worker in an automotive parts company. I guess I am just pissed off because this company used to be a great place to work. Bonuses, little gifts, holiday meals, etc. All of that is gone and now it is just a job. Company has been spiraling down for a few years now. Moral is at an all time low. To tell the employees they get the day off and then to take it away just drives moral even lower. Plus the fact we have to work an extra day this year anyway because it is a leap year makes it even worse. At least if we got the family day off, it would have been the same number of working days for this year. Plus, the US gets it off for presidents day, which is where most of our customers are located means we are just building inventory instead of building family relationships (or poker bank rolls depending on how you look at it).
  • coolblue24 wrote: »
    No, I am not a meat packer. I am an office worker in an automotive parts company. I guess I am just pissed off because this company used to be a great place to work. Bonuses, little gifts, holiday meals, etc. All of that is gone and now it is just a job. Company has been spiraling down for a few years now. Moral is at an all time low. To tell the employees they get the day off and then to take it away just drives moral even lower. Plus the fact we have to work an extra day this year anyway because it is a leap year makes it even worse. At least if we got the family day off, it would have been the same number of working days for this year. Plus, the US gets it off for presidents day, which is where most of our customers are located means we are just building inventory instead of building family relationships (or poker bank rolls depending on how you look at it).

    Wow, just wow.

    Union mentality at it's finest.
  • Not that I'm pro union or anything, but I don't think office staff are unionized. Never heard of it before, if they are . . .
    Agree that it's a bit whiny, though.
  • coolblue24 wrote: »
    No, I am not a meat packer. I am an office worker in an automotive parts company. I guess I am just pissed off because this company used to be a great place to work. Bonuses, little gifts, holiday meals, etc. All of that is gone and now it is just a job. Company has been spiraling down for a few years now. Moral is at an all time low. To tell the employees they get the day off and then to take it away just drives moral even lower. Plus the fact we have to work an extra day this year anyway because it is a leap year makes it even worse. At least if we got the family day off, it would have been the same number of working days for this year. Plus, the US gets it off for presidents day, which is where most of our customers are located means we are just building inventory instead of building family relationships (or poker bank rolls depending on how you look at it).

    Just asked cause I saw you are from Norwich.

    Your industry (which is mine as well) is in a tough spot right now. It will cycle out eventually as it always does, but for now companies are looking at every penny and a day of production means $$$$.

    I read in the paper today about a company that was losing big to price competion because of the value of the dollar. They went to the employees and asked if they would be willing to take a pay cut so that the company could stay liquid enough to weather the storm. The employees said FU and the next day the company shut its doors. They employees are furious and want a bunch of cash from the company for severance. The company is busto and doesn't have any.

    Buzz Hargrove is taking the hard line in union talks all over with CAW. His attitude cost employees at GM in Oshawa an entire car line for the future. GM basically said, "We are losing money hand over fist in a tough market and you don't want to make concessions. So go fuck yourself and we'll take these production jobs out of the country and your members can hit the unemployment line.

    The problem is that the union leaders put a gun to the head of the auto makers years ago when the industry was robust. The automakers had to give the unions what they wanted because they needed to produce and make money in the hot economy. When things started to cool the pressure went on the suppliers to supply parts cheaper. When that got squeezed to the point that there was nothing left to give the companies have turned to the labour and asked for concessions.

    There is no where else to go for a lot of companies and an us vs. them mentality will only make you an angry, bitter, worker. This will bleed off into your personal life as well.

    My suggestion to you is this: Take your anger at having lost the family day holiday and turn it into something positive. Pick some Saturday that you would have spent yanking your crank on the couch or playing golf or whatever and make that day your family day. Make some big plans for you and yours to have a great day together and do something you all would love. This is the stuff that really matters!
  • There is no where else to go for a lot of companies and an us vs. them mentality

    Actually, the change you need to make is to stop thinking of companies as your friends and that they are your conrtactual employer. You should be constantly skilling up, looking at the job market and be willing to jump.

    They're not your friend, you don't owe them anything.
  • I feel like those are the words of a well educated man with no children and not quite enough appreciation for some of his strengths and indulgences afforded by his lifestyle: like intelligence, risk-tolerance and motivation/time.

    Both my father and my ex-husband were factory workers. (Budds and Toyota) and for them it was the best possible living they could provide for their families ($$-wise, what it did to their spirit is a whole other thread)

    I respect the work that they do/did day after day, even though it offers them no joy or stimulation. They continue day after day for the betterment of the people they care about. Neither of them had options that they could reasonably persue.

    I admire both their strength.

    In those instances the option 'to jump' is not truly feasible and as such an attempt to find a balance between employer and employee could even be arguably mutually beneficial.

    It sounds as though Cool_blue's company has failed in this respect.
  • You are probably right, Kristy. My father was in the same position you described when he came to Canada in '54. Worked, until he could not do it anymore, at AMC. Retired on a medical. If, as you say, the company has failed to live up to there end then the employees options are limited to putting up with it, or jumping ship. The company has already made the choice they feel is best for the company. Bitching about it on-line may be a way to vent some frustration, but do not expect others not 100% familiar with that person's situation to be 100% sympathetic.
    This comes from someone who is working for 30% less than his previous salary, in part because my new situation is MUCH better for me and mine on "family" basis, if not a monetary one.
  • There is an alternative between jumping ship and dealing- Unions broker that.
    While there are certainly some great examples of the opposite I believe that overall unions are a positive force.

    Since this thread is entitled 'Family Day' I'm going to make an aside here and say that the one thing I feel is that the damage done to our families by creating a system of instability and where both parents must work to enjoy a comfortable life is, I think, the greatest failure of the generation or two ahead of me. And being worked up over a single day holiday (pro or con) is probably silly in the grand scheme of things.
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Your industry (which is mine as well) is in a tough spot right now. It will cycle out eventually as it always does, but for now companies are looking at every penny and a day of production means $$$$.

    Cheers to all of us auto industry workers! I think the only reason we get family day off is because we probably loose less money when nobody's working. :)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    There is an alternative between jumping ship and dealing- Unions broker that.

    Maybe I am being nitty but Unions do not broker deals. They negotiate from one side of the table always. A broker by definition is a mediator and is non-partisan.

    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Since this thread is entitled 'Family Day' I'm going to make an aside here and say that the one thing I feel is that the damage done to our families by creating a system of instability and where both parents must work to enjoy a comfortable life is, I think, the greatest failure of the generation or two ahead of me.

    All of us make our own decisions as individuals or as families in how we are going to live our life. We are not trapped by the system, we are trapped by our own desires for: a bigger house, new car, 42' plasma, latest cell phone, new computer and internet service, vacations, x dinners out/week, alcohol, cigs, whatever.

    We all need to remember that millions of families on this planet have both parents working longer hours than we do and they do not get to live comfortably. No running water, not enough food or shelter, no medical care, nothing.

    I guess my rambling point is this, as easy it is to blame society, our employer, the government for our perceived problems all it really does is allow us to not take responsibility for ourselves. Our society has such abundance that if we actually took the time set simple priorities in our life and adhere to them we would all have exactly what we want.

    Unfortunately, we want it all!
  • Ok, you show me how a factory worker making say...$22/hr can support two children and a housewife/husband in a mortgaged reasonable house in a decent neighbourhood with a car, one cheap cellphone plan for emergencies and kids who each take one extracurricular activity, an rrsp and resp and a small amount to saving for emergencies.

    and since I know that you can't....let's move on.

    Also the unions represent the workers as a whole and attempt to find a balance between the collective employees needs and the company. That fits my statement reasonably.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Ok, you show me how a factory worker making say...$22/hr can support two children and a housewife/husband in a mortgaged reasonable house in a decent neighbourhood with a car, one cheap cellphone plan for emergencies and kids who each take one extracurricular activity, an rrsp and resp and a small amount to saving for emergencies.

    and since I know that you can't....let's move on.
    You've obviously never heard of the mac & cheese diet.

  • coolblue24 wrote: »
    Moral is at an all time low. To tell the employees they get the day off and then to take it away just drives moral even lower. Plus the fact we have to work an extra day this year anyway because it is a leap year makes it even worse.

    If morals are so low, the inter-office sex must be incredible, raising morale! >:D
  • That's the only reason I continue to work here LOL!

    Nice catch on my spelling mistake.
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