Dream Table Time

So, who would you want to join you for your dream table? My picks follow:

1) Howard Lederer - Perhaps the most cerebral player in the game today. He also has just enough of an edge to make him interesting.

2) T.J. Cloutier - I defy you to name a player who has been a more consistent occupant of final table chairs than T.J. He may not always win, but he is almost always in the mix.

3) Phil Ivey - Time to allow for some upstarts. Tons of skill, with enough "gamble" in his game to make it fun.

4) Gus Hansen - Hey, somebody has to out-crazy Phil . . .

5) Sam Farha - A personal fave. Sammy is the king of cool. I have said before that he is the uncle every kid should have growing up, and the kind I want to be to my Godsons. Just enough of an edge to keep him from being too respectable.

6) Ted Forrest - Big money, no problems. Plays for the biggest stakes, and is still in the game. 'Nuff said.

7) Evelyn Ng - No, I'm not being politically correct. She's good, and it doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes.

8) Dan Harrington - Hey, he plays his way to every other final table, so why not just put him there to start?

9) Me - My thread, my game, my rules, okay?

10) Dave Sklansky - Hey, with this collection of talent at the table, someone is going to have to tell me EXACTLY how long the odds are that I'll make it past one lap of the table.

Any errors or omissions?


  • 1) Me - My Reply my rules :)

    2) Phil Hellmuth - because I want to bust him and watch one of his trademark tirades about my bad play :) Then I'll call him a goofball who catches cards - then his head will explode.

    3) Annie Duke - Just to see if she is as big of a B as people say she is

    4) Daniel Negreanu - He's Canadian - He's Good - He always looks like he is having a great time even when he is losing, plus it would be great to have the president of the Annie Duke hate society siting right next to her :)

    5) Doyle - 'nuff said.

    6) Gus Hansen - to ensure there is action in every single pot

    7) Phil Laak - just to throw everyone else off and give me a chance of taking down some pots :)

    8) Evelyn Ng - If you are reading this you are invited to any poker event I ever set up :)

    9) Phil Ivey - can never have enough guys named Phil at your table.

    10) Dave Scharf - so that someone who isn't me can tell the Hellmuth head exploding story.
  • Tons of fish with lots of money, with an ATM within 15 feet

    but seriously,

    1)me, just so i can say i played with the pros, and they took my money

    2)Negreanu, personally, he's probably my fav pro out there (and :canada: too)

    3)Johhny Chan, so i could try and pull a Matt damon, and say, Im sorry John, i dont remember

    4)Phil Ivey, one of the best players out there, prob my 2nd fav

    5)Phil Hellmuth, just to suck out a draw on him so see him cry

    6)Matusow - see hellmuth

    7)Marcel Luske - seems like to be a fun guy at the table, entertainment value

    8)Any member of "The Crew" . so i could eliminate them haha

    9)Lederer - why not have the professor?
  • Here is my thought...

    In no particular order.

    1) Doyle Brunson, How can we not include him

    2) Jackie Chan, back to back WSOP Champ...did I say Jackie?

    3) Phil Helmuth, WSOP Champ and...

    4) Dan Harrington, WSOP Champ (I think he deserves it)

    5) Daniel Negreanu, Mr. nice guy WSOP 2004, all around

    6) Marcel Luske, I am a new fan

    7) Sam Farha, I like his bad boy classy style

    8) Phil Ivey, to see his freak face

    9) Men the Master, he'll compete with Luske

    10) Ok, me, food for sharks and WSOP 2024 Champ (it'll be online at that time) :banghead:

    Dealer: Shana Hiatt for...just giving me a chance to win :)
  • Those would all be great tables if you want some autographs while going broke. To put a twist on this my dream table would be me and 9 of the worlds richest and easy to read fish so I can win enough cash to sit with the people listed in the above threads:)
  • Let's see... who wants to stake me for this game?

    1) Ted Forrest - have to second this nomination. I just rewatched the WPT season 1 episode he was in and was laughing my ass off at his insanely aggressive play. I'm sure it would be fun to have a guy like this at any table.

    2) Gus Hansen - gotta love those aggressive players

    3) Doyle Brunson - no reason necessary.

    4) Chip Jett - fearless and aggressive, but still calculated. Looks like he'd be interesting to play against.

    5) Howard Lederer - definitely one of my faves. Nothing seems to faze him. He's got ice in his veins.

    6) my wife - I LOVE it when my wife is at the poker table. She is an aggressive player, and in some situations/games is ULTRA aggressive... which I love watching because it's the opposite of how she looks and her normal demeanor.

    7) Phil Helmuth - at my fantasy table, my wife would come over the top with a mediocre hand and bust him out after correctly reading his steal attempt. Then he would whine about how bad she played it, and she would make fun of him by talking to him in baby talk.
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