A Couple of Graphs

I cashed out a big chunk of my roll back in the summer to fund a Vegas Trip and my roll while I was there. That was my original goal when I started to play online. Most of it was made playing STT on Stars and uNL (10NL and 25NL) on the old Supreme site.

Of course I was impatient in getting my roll back to its former glory. After building it back to a comfortable spot for 25NL through a shitty little site (Poker In Canada) I kept taking shots and running/playing bad at some higher stakes.

Finally I put everything back at Stars in the fall and set out to grind it out there and get back on track. I ran bad and played soso over a long break even stretch as you can see but worked through it with only a little tilt mixed in.

Here is my graph since September


On January 1st I shuffled $350 of my $1300 roll over to Full Tilt to take advantage of their rakeback. I didn't realize they would be paying me bonus as well. Here is January. 1000ish hands are 25NL and the rest is 50NL. All of it is 6Max.


About $50 in bonus and about $20 in rakeback over this period.

Planning to stay at $50 until I hit $2500 and then start taking shots at $100NL. Running about 4PTBB/100 I should be ready to go in about a month.

The biggest change is there is tons of 3 betting pre-flop at this level. Fortunately people are really bad at it. So many people seem to stack off way to light in these spots.

I am obviously running really nice in the last little bit but a ton of leaks have been plugged up and I R feeling great about my game.

I'll post a some hands from the last little bit if anyone is interested.



  • People are bad. Enough said. I am never folding in this spot. EVER!

    Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) Full Tilt Converter Tool from http://www.flopturnriver.comFlopTurnRiver.com (Format: Plain Text)

    BB ($28.50)
    UTG ($37.10)
    MP ($32.30)

    CO ($70.55)
    Hero ($54.15)
    SB ($48.20)

    Preflop: Hero is Button with Ad, As.
    UTG raises to $1.75, MP calls $1.75, 1 fold, Hero raises to $7, 2 folds, UTG calls $5.25, MP calls $5.25.

    Flop: ($21.75) 6c, Qh, 5h (3 players)
    UTG checks, MP bets $25.3 (All-In), Hero calls $25.30, UTG raises to $30.1 (All-In), Hero calls $4.80.

    Turn: ($97.65) 9c (3 players, 2 all-in)

    River: ($97.65) 4s (3 players, 2 all-in)

    Final Pot: $107.25

    Results below:
    UTG has Qc Ah (one pair, queens).
    MP has 8h 8s (one pair, eights).
    Hero has Ad As (one pair, aces).

    People are bad in 3 bet pots. Redux

    I guess he thought he had a semi bluff here but the over shove just reeks weakness.

    Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) Full Tilt Converter Tool from http://www.flopturnriver.comFlopTurnRiver.com (Format: Plain Text)

    BB ($130.85)
    UTG ($50)
    Hero ($50)
    CO ($50.80)
    Button ($101.15)
    SB ($73.05)

    Preflop: Hero is MP with Ks, Ac.
    1 fold, Hero raises to $1.75, 3 folds, BB raises to $7.5, Hero calls $5.25.

    Flop: ($14.75) As, 6s, Ts (2 players)
    BB bets $100.5, Hero calls $51 (All-In).

    Turn: ($116.75) 8c (2 players, 1 all-in)

    River: ($116.75) 6d (2 players, 1 all-in)

    Final Pot: $116.75

    Results below:
    BB has Qh Qs (two pair, queens and sixes).
    Hero has Ks Ac (two pair, aces and sixes).
    Outcome: Hero wins $116.75.

    This line is not my creation but it works like a dream boat.

    This guy is really aggro post flop. He calls the 3 bet and I pretty much force him to float the flop with his entire range.

    Against a more straightforward player I bet out here with 2 flush draws on board but I know this guy can't help himself so I give him some rope. He oblidges with a bet and I make a bet he can't call. No Muss, no fuss 47 BB Net.

    Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) Full Tilt Converter Tool from http://www.flopturnriver.comFlopTurnRiver.com (Format: Plain Text)

    Button ($60.70)
    SB ($20.95)
    Hero ($64.60)
    UTG ($25)
    MP ($49)
    CO ($69.30)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with Kd, Kc.
    3 folds, Button raises to $2, 1 fold, Hero raises to $7.25, Button calls $4.75.

    Flop: ($14.25) 8d, 5d, Th (2 players)
    Hero bets $4.5, Button calls $4.50.

    Turn: ($23.25) 2h (2 players)
    Hero checks, Button bets $12, Hero raises to $53.35 (All-In), Button folds.

    Final Pot: $5.90

    Results below:
    No showdown. Hero wins $88.60.
  • On the last hand judging by the way you described the oponent, wouldn't a larger c/b be more effective in portraying a missed flop on a dry board?
  • I want him to either float his entire range of hands or induce a re-raise from him on the flop.

    He may see my bet as weakness and re-pop me on the flop where I can shove overtop of him. He may also think, "I have overcards/over pair, I am getting a good price, I call."

    When the turn obviously does nothing for his hand and I check to him, he sees an opportunity to take the pot away with whatever he is holding and fires a bet. It has to be significant size because we have tricked him into building a fair sized pot. When I shove he can't call.
  • If you are so far ahead of him why would you force him to fold? Makes no sense.
  • Ya, if you wanna brag about how you made a guy fold, make sure you aren't ahead 100% of the time.
  • moose wrote: »
    If you are so far ahead of him why would you force him to fold? Makes no sense.

    There are 2 flush draws on board now. I am shoving to protect my one pair hand.

    In reality if he has a flush draw he should have checked behind to draw at it for free. But lots of aggro players make this mistake.

    Think about stack sizes what do you do in this spot? Min raise and leave $25 behind?
  • it does kinda defeat the purpose of extracting as many chips as possible.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Ya, if you wanna brag about how you made a guy fold, make sure you aren't ahead 100% of the time.

    You need to stop thinking like a min-bet player
  • moose wrote: »
    If you are so far ahead of him why would you force him to fold? Makes no sense.

    What raise size do you think makes sense here Moose and more importantly why?

    This is my thought. If I raise the bet that he makes on the turn we have $47.25 in the pot plus whatever I raise. He has $36.95 remaining and is covered. My shove represnts 78% of the pot.

    If he has a meagre holding here like QQ, JJ or 10x and he is bad, he may stack off to my push anyway.

    If I raise less it is a reverse-implied odds situation. A min-raise represents 1/3 of my remaining stack. There is absolutely no way that I can fold on the river and the villain should know that.

    The villain may very well call $12 bucks getting 4-1 with either of the flush draws or an Ax. This is all that I am getting out of him, unless he hits his hand and then the rest of the money goes in.

    In doing this I would be offering him ridiculous odds. For $12 bucks he can draw at his hand and put in $0 more if he misses but get $47.25 + $12 (my rasie) +$24.95 (remaining stack after my raise) = $84.20

    In effect I would be offering him 7-1.

    Also there is no point in making a $25 raise and leaving $12 behind.
  • Why you have to protect your hand

    I didn't post this hand before because I played really bad pre-flop but villain played even worse. He didn't have a plan and he didn't protect his hand.

    Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (5 handed) Full Tilt Converter Tool from http://www.flopturnriver.comFlopTurnRiver.com (Format: Plain Text)

    BB ($56.60)
    UTG ($53.85)
    MP ($107.85)
    Button ($50)
    Hero ($57.90)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with Jd, Js.
    1 fold, MP raises to $1.75, 1 fold, Hero raises to $7, 1 fold, MP raises to $22.75, Hero calls $14.25.

    Flop: ($44.50) As, Td, 8d (2 players)
    Hero checks, MP checks.

    Turn: ($44.50) 9h (2 players)
    Hero bets $15, MP calls $15.

    River: ($74.50) Qs (2 players)
    Hero bets $21.9 (All-In), MP calls $21.90.

    Final Pot: $118.30

    Results below:
    Hero has Jd Js (straight, queen high).
    MP has Kd Ks (one pair, kings).
    Outcome: Hero wins $118.30

    This guy was slamming around aggressively as well and I had been playing back at him. I was planning on shoving a paintless flop because I felt his range was widening and my read was that he was capable of 4 betting AK, AQ or AJ. Still, I made a really loose call.

    The Ace flopped and I let my timer run down, pretending I had a decision before checking to him. He checked behind and I put him on KK, QQ, afraid of a check raise, a tricky AK looking for value down the line or possibly a slow played 1010.

    The turn gives me an open ender. I bet out 1/3 of the pot because I figure he may interpret this as me offering a very callable bet looking for value from AK. Even though the bet is small it has some fold equity against his range and if he calls for some reason I have a ton of outs. I was planning on calling a push. He calls.

    River is a Jackpot. I hit my straight and push the rest in the middle. He obliges me with a call.

    If this guy didn't put me on an Ace and was putting all of his chips in the middle anyway why didn't he bet at some point?
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Why you have to protect your hand

    If this guy didn't put me on an Ace and was putting all of his chips in the middle anyway why didn't he bet at some point?

    Bluff catcher? If you have a high aggression level (if you have history with villain), he might be willing to station you down with that hand and let an aggressive player keep jamming at the pots.

    Or some people just can't fold KK even with an ace on board thinking "but I have KK!"
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Bluff catcher?

    Any Ace, QQ, JJ, 1010, 99 all got there. What else am I calling a 4 bet with pre-flop? J10? lol .....oh wait that beats his hand here too.
    westside8 wrote: »
    Or some people just can't fold KK even with an ace on board thinking "but I have KK!"

    Exactly! So they get passive and don't protect their hand but still spew off their stack when there is nothing that they beat.

    As an aside, calling a 4 bet with JJ preflop is a bad leak even when people are bad. I put him on a wider range but he showed up with KK. I think I am giving people too much credit for making moves.
  • I had my computers crunch the numbers, here is my graph:

    Can you guys help me with the analysis? I think it means I should play more limit?
  • Nice to see the Etch-A-Sketch is still popular with the kids.
  • Awesome. I stole it. If that's not ok, let me know. Thanks.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I had my computers crunch the numbers, here is my graph:

    Can you guys help me with the analysis? I think it means I should play more limit?

    You were obviously running above expectation.

    P.S. LOL
  • -ev wrote: »
    Nice to see the Etch-A-Sketch is still popular with the kids.

    lol..you try being a lefty. I should be declared the world's greatest artist just for being legible.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    lol..you try after smoking a lefty. I should be declared the world's greatest artist just for being legible.

    I fixed your post.
  • Ty,

    I didn't want to but it is just sfobv good for me.
  • This game is easy.

  • Full Tilt Poker, $0.25/$0.50 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 4 Players
    LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter

    SB: $76.65
    BB: $113.75
    UTG: $90.60
    Hero (BTN): $105.90

    Pre-Flop: T::s:: J::s:: dealt to Hero (BTN)
    UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.75, SB raises to $5.75, BB folds, Hero calls $4

    Flop: ($12) 9::s:: J::c:: 8::s:: (2 Players)
    SB bets $8, Hero raises to $25, SB raises to $70.90 and is All-In, Hero calls $45.90

    Turn: ($153.80) 4::c:: (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

    River: ($153.80) 7::s:: (2 Players - 1 is All-In)

    Results: $153.80 Pot ($2 Rake)
    SB showed K::s:: A::s:: (a flush, Ace high) and LOST (-$76.65 NET)
    Hero showed T::s:: J::s:: (a straight flush, Jack high) and WON $151.80 (+$75.15 NET)
  • Donkeys shove on draws...and what else are we to learn from this?
  • moose wrote: »
    Donkeys shove on draws...and what else are we to learn from this?

    LOL. You are levelling right. Tell me you are. Just so I don't have to worry about you.
  • Here's mine from January. Running very hot.

  • 293 BB x $0.02/BB = $5.86

    Nice Score Joe. I think you should move up. :)
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    293 BB x $0.02/BB = $5.86

    Nice Score Joe. I think you should move up. :)

    I'm quite comfortable playing .01/.02 NL LOL. Is there such a game? I know there isn't on poker room which is where I'm playing.
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