Seneca Winter Series Event 1

Just got back from an eventful day at Seneca.

Got in a little early and sat in at some 1/2. Had abour an hour to go before the tournament and was starving. Got up about $20 and made my way to the buffet.

In hindsight: not such a great idea. Buffet+Pepto and I'm even for the day.

Tournament had 56 entrants, which was about the average age of the people entered.

Structure is kind of bingo-ish, but the play evens out after the first couple hours.

My advice for anyone playing the rest of the series: TAG. Over bet pots assinine amounts with made hands: you will get called. Make sure you have good reads on people if you plan on making a play.

Long story short: I am around second in chips (24K ish) when we are down to the bubble (9 paid..which was a high %). When 11 is knocked out I get re-seated, and I notice 2 extremely short stacks (<3BB @ 600/1200). I also notice chip leader seated to my left.

Funny story: as I notice this, I think to myself - there has got to be some fantastic way I can bubble. Karma: you rotten whore.

I sit down UTG and get 2 black A's. I make it my standard 3500, and chip leader pops to 11K. I jam, and he instacalls me with QQ. A Q in the window, and I spin uncontrollably. One of the ones that make you feel like you're gonna throw up.

Anyway, not a bad structure, but Fri/Sat/Sun, will definately be better with the deeper stacks.

They ran 4-5 STT satellites for the ME throughout the day. The supersatellite at 7pm had 4 people....nice.


  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    we are down to the bubble (9 paid..which was a high %).
    The supersatellite at 7pm had 4 people....nice.
    Was there a deal made so that the bubble boys got some money?
    My friend played in that supersatellite which had 18 players. I would have wanted to play in the supersatellite, but the poker room strangely started it while a bunch of us were still playing in the single-table satellite.
  • No deal for the bubble. There was already a high % getting paid out.

    Also, he played the supersat last night? I was registered, but dropped out when there wasn't enough to guarantee 1 spot.
  • thanks for the advice; I will be playing tomorrow in the $5k stack event. Report to follow.
  • Another point: make sure you are back at your seat well before the breaks are over.

    The TD did some things that kind of pissed me off, one of which was to re-start the tournament before the breaks were over.

    At one point (first break) only 6 of the 10 of us had returned to our seats. There was about 2 minutes left in the posted break. TD gets on the Mike and states that "it looks like everyone is back, go ahead and deal". She then goes to the monitor and cancels the remaining portion of the break.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Another point: make sure you are back at your seat well before the breaks are over.

    The TD did some things that kind of pissed me off, one of which was to re-start the tournament before the breaks were over.

    At one point (first break) only 6 of the 10 of us had returned to our seats. There was about 2 minutes left in the posted break. TD gets on the Mike and states that "it looks like everyone is back, go ahead and deal". She then goes to the monitor and cancels the remaining portion of the break.

    good to know; never heard of this happening before. Hopefully they don't play with the blind levels as well to speed up the tournament.
  • That's BS. I'd be rippin if they started before I was back from a scheduled break.
    That's why they are timed.
  • btw, was there a 25/25 blind level? don't see the blinds levels listed anywhere.
  • No, 25/50, 50/100. 100/200....etc

    Positive: No antes at any level...
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    No, 25/50, 50/100. 100/200....etc

    Positive: No antes at any level...

    75, 150 would be nice. No antes is good.
  • antes are ALWAYS good!

    Juiced pots are juiced pots - especially when you typically will get a bad raiser who gives you 3-1 or better to enter these pots :)
  • The final table decided to all kick in $10.00 to give the10th place bubble a prize. Great news for me since I was short stack at the table 3500 chips
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