Keep the disclipine when in or nearing the money?

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if anybody could provide with me a few tips for keeping the discipline when in the money or approaching the money in online poker tournaments.

Background Info:
I can play solid poker. I have played in 3 ftops events and cashed in all 3. My most recent large tournament was played a few weeks back and it was the sunday 750,000 guarantee on full tilt. Again I cashed.

Ok great, i made the money......however in all 4 of these tournaments I had a considerable chip stack and I blew it. Meaning rather than making a final table or even finishing in the top 20 (27nd once) i had a serious melt down. Meaning i reraised all in the aq off or called my jj with an ace showing or 3 bet kq off.....All times busted by a better hand. I knew i was making a stupid play..but you know what? I did it anyway.

These tournaments generally run for a good 6+hours..what can I do to keep the focus? Keep the groove and cash for some serious money rather than a couple hunder bucks.


  • Redsz wrote: »
    I knew i was making a stupid play..but you know what? I did it anyway.

    You have what's know as "The Push Monkey" The monkey hates good poker and money. You must rid yourself of him or he will ruin your poker career.

    I've found the listing to music or reading something online helps. Keep one eye on the table but distract the monkey with Facebook or a CD.
  • Do something else that will distract from playing badly when your close to the bubble, but stay focused at the same time.
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