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A Dealer's Rant/Frustration on Players who 'know' how to play

Just thought I would share a story with all of you. So I was dealing at a corporate party Friday night, downtown Toronto. Fun-night, no money so it's all well and good for loosey-goosey play or for people to learn. I'm on a poker table and my uncle calls me over from another poker table to weigh in on a situation.

They're playing heads-up and one of the 2 guys is adamant that in heads-up the Dealer Button is on the BB! My uncle has been dealing a lot longer than I have, but he called me over b/c he wanted me to explain the error of this player's accusations in fluent English. I explain that Dealer is SB, receives his cards last and acts first Pre-Flop since he has the ability to call-up to the BB, raise or fold. Player adamantly refuses after a series of explanations that I send at him. Trying to be civil and everything, we part ways, only to have him come back and explain to me again why he believes he's correct before the night is over

This time he doesn't even listen to my explanations and forces me to see his view of it without letting me interject with comments and explanations as to why his 'way' is incorrect. Then he gets all condescending and arrogant saying things like "I've been playing poker for a long time" and flat out "You're wrong". I know I haven't been dealing for a long time (2 yrs. now) and that I haven't done it in a casino, or have played for a long time (4 yrs.), but I know what I'm doing and am pretty sure that I do it well. I was so insulted and wanted to fire back w/ comments such as "Well it looks like you haven't been playing correctly for a long time..." or "I've been doing this semi-professionally for awhile now and it shows that you haven't been even close to playing at that level...". Had to resist that, and also resist going on my phone and pulling up information online that justifies my correctness and shoving it in his face to read it.

Just had to let that out of my system and see if they're comments, or support in my grief. Need to hit up PokerRoom, UB and a whole slew of online sites to see if they do it differently online at some point. But back to studying for exams for me right now...Thanks in advance, everyone!


  • Breathe, buddy, breathe...now you know what I put up with every day...not just poker, but dealing everything else in a casino, WAY to many experts!
  • Just fyi there are actually a couple sites that do it backwards. Can't remember which one it was, Absolute or Titan, unless they changed it.
  • Two things to help remember:

    1. No player must post the BB twice in a row.
    2. The Button must always act before the BB pre-flop (as the Button always acts before the BB pre-flop when it is not heads-up)
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