Happy 40th BigE

your Bruins will still lose to the Leafs, but, I hope you have a good day.

Just to confirm, we are Triple or nothing on the game tonight right?
By 2010 I'll owe you a case of King Cans on this bet.



  • Happy Bday. Christ your old...
  • Happy birthday bro

  • Happy b-day to the world's oldest guitar hero! :)

  • Welcome to the club.
  • Happy 40th Big E!
  • Happy 40th E!! I'll even cheer for the Bruins tonight just for you. And maybe because I'll cheer for anybody to beat the Leafs ;)
  • Happy Birthday Eric!
  • Have a great one BigE !!
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    your Bruins will still lose to the Leafs, but, I hope you have a good day.

    Just to confirm, we are Triple or nothing on the game tonight right?
    By 2010 I'll owe you a case of King Cans on this bet.


    Thanks bro, and yeah triple or nothing on virtual beer, man we're lame! I hope you'll be helping me pound some real beers back tonight tho?

    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I know I do not get on this forum much anymore and I have played little or no poker in the last 6-ish months but I will be back eventually!

    I appreciate all the Happy Birthdays and 40 ain't so bad..but man do I ever have the urge to nap now?

    Watch for a game at my place over the holidays, I have two weeks off and an itch to donk money away!!!!!

    p.s. Speaking of holidays and given the fact that I'm a tool, albeit a 40 year old one I'd like to bring up a beautiful sentiment that got me banned a couple years back.....remember IT'S A #$%^ING CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!! You don't see 'Holiday Trees $29.99' on the sign at Canadian Tire, do you???!!!

    Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
  • p.s. Providing something strange doesn't happen tonight like the ice melting, the lights going out, or the Bruins eating some bad shrimp a B's win is a gimmie for sure tonight. I hear the Leafs are making another goal tending change and putting this guy in net!

  • Happy Birthday!
  • Happy birthday E. Don't feel sad that all the other teams in Boston besides the Bruins actually matters, they'll never make the front page anyways. :D
  • Goleafsgogoleafsgogoleafsgo.
  • gg bruins

  • westside8 wrote: »
    Happy birthday E. Don't feel sad that all the other teams in Boston besides the Bruins actually matters, they'll never make the front page anyways. :D

    This is a good thing Wes!!!!

    Could be the year Boston cleans up in all sports!!!

    world series, super bowl, whateverthehell they give out for basketball, and stanley cup....I love it!
  • Big E wrote: »
    and stanley cup....I love it!

    You will need Orr to come out of retirement 10 times over before that happens
  • Birthday Wishes Eric

    I had lots to say, but I forgot!, don't worry bout gettin' old!

    I don't care what anyone says about yor Bruins!!!

    I mean It
    I don't care what they say!!

    all the best, I too have been away from the circuit for awhile, we should maybe have a heads up night with a square to shake the rust off!
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