Can I get some action on this

Ok the Triathalon challenge;

I think the try a tri is too easy, 400m swim, 2.5 run and 10km bike,

So I want to see if I can get some action on this

A full Triathalon - by June 15, 2008 (BrinBrook Hamilton)
750M Swim, 27KM bike, 6.5KM run

Lets put this into perspective;

I am 34 years old, 280lbs currently, former smoker and have never run more then 3k in my life, even that was 13 years ago when I played football.

Anyone want to give some odds?
Finishing top 50%
Finishing top 10%
Finishing top 5%


  • What if we got a few people in and did a fastest finish?

  • Hell yah... I would love some competition.

    I would flip 2k if Al or Brent wanna race.

    You, Greg or Kristy, I think I need some heavy odds.

  • I've been wanting to do a tri for a while now. I'm most likely in for this... but I'm too busy at work today to check into the details... one question I have - do/can they supply a bike for you?

  • no, they do not...but to maken it even I have my down hill bike you can use :)
  • Damn....if only I can swim..
  • we'll give you a life jacket...

    Cmon Wes, you going to be on the sideline for every game?
  • How much we talking?

    I'd get in on it.
    275lbs, 21, chain smoker, haven't run 1KM in 4 years.
  • I will give you action for sure:

    Starting and finishing get you no action however.

    I Will give you action on finishing a marathon if this is of interest.

    1. If you finish in the top 50% of male entrants I will give you 3-1. You have a ton of people who compete in these with their only goal being to finish. This softens the field up a bit.

    2. Top 10% of male entrants I will give you 25-1

    3. Top 5% of male entrants I will give you 50-1

    I would give some better odds on the last 2 but the field was really small last year and the leaner the field the more likely you could pull it off.

    If you consider changing to the Subaru series and doing the sprint tri at Milton or Guelph lake I will definitely increase the odds. These are huge events and very competitive. I have done several of these events.

    Also. I will increase the odds given for Number 1 if you take action on all 3.

    Lets talk about stakes.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    What if we got a few people in and did a fastest finish?


    I haven't trained in 3 years. I am in for this.
  • I think I would pay to watch this if there was a Pokerforum contingent competing..... Trouble is I think the population around here may thin out a bit if a significant number actually attempted this...
  • How much we talking?

    I'd get in on it.
    275lbs, 21, chain smoker, haven't run 1KM in 4 years.

    If we're taking bets on Haddon then I assume it's like Roulette and we get paid off based on what section of the course he drops dead on?

    Edit: My interest in trying it out is piqued.
  • Tyson

    Can you give some more details of the event itself, and we'll see about getting this off the ground... I'm quite interested in participating

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Can you give some more details of the event itself, and we'll see about getting this off the ground... I'm quite interested in participating


    it was in the OP Mark.

    Not sure if I can get in shape by then, but I may try.
    If nothing else, it would be good for me.
  • Thanks hobbes...

    Yes it is June 15th.

    So I have about 100lbs to lose by then, not to mention I have to get from 1km run I can limp through now to a 6.5km.

    there is a triathalon training program at the Cameron Heights pool tues and thursday, plus I am trying to get to the Y everyday.

    I know the nutrition, but have no idea how to train for a tri. I am sure I will find the right path quickly but anyone else wanna take the journey?

    As for the bets, how much are you willing to spread on the 3-1 50%?

    the other two, i might take, for giggles but truly dont think I will be in the top 10%
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