any thoughts

Hi all, wondering what everyone thinks I should have done in this hand. The tourny started with 1700 players, we are down to 73. Locovince has been playing alot of hands, showed down KJ suited K9 suited and pocket 8's for recent big wins to get him to his current stack.

PokerStars Game #13678076169: Tournament #68768154, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (600/1200) - 2007/12/05 - 23:29:10 (ET)
Table '68768154 90' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: fools luck (31057 in chips)
Seat 2: deasto (86047 in chips)
Seat 3: TroMalee (39965 in chips)
Seat 4: Body Man D (38809 in chips)
Seat 5: Vodkas (77520 in chips)
Seat 6: roofertoo (53925 in chips)
Seat 7: Saint Even Z (39897 in chips)
Seat 8: locovince21 (82068 in chips)
Seat 9: labeach2002 (41620 in chips)
labeach2002: posts small blind 600
fools luck: posts big blind 1200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to labeach2002 [Th Ts]
deasto: folds
TroMalee: folds
Body Man D: folds
Vodkas: folds
Vodkas said, "*river"
roofertoo: calls 1200
Saint Even Z: folds
locovince21: raises 8400 to 9600



  • Depends, how did he play his 88?
  • I'm with moose here. You have provided details on some of his hand range but not how he's been playing. Was he raising these hands or limping or chasing? If he's been raising a lot, I think you should come over the top here and chase everyone else out. You may take it down there or be heads up with him and probably ahead in the hand with position.
  • Hi, sorry for the limited information, i will post again with more details after work.
  • In this situation two things to come mind before even defining the hand range for the maniac.

    You are OOP with 10s. You can either call for set value and then possibly get away from the hand with overs, but I have a feeling here he is looking to isolate or take down the pot right there.

    What is your table image. If you re-raise are you ready to call a shove. Can you out play him post flop on a ragged board.

    Those are some of the considerations I make before determining to either call or re-raise. Against an aggressive player I would tend to call here and then CR the flop because you know 70-90% he will come out C-betting.
  • Okay here's the details, thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    loco played

    1. J Q off, called BB preflop, flop came down with a 3 flush and bet into it, called a raise with inside straight draw and flush draw with the Jack. He hit the straight on the turn.

    2. 88, calls an 3X raise from the BB, hits an 8 on flop

    3. 8 9 off suit, called pre flop, hit 2nd pair on the flop and bet into it.

    this occurred in 19 hands since he joined this table.

    My image at this time is pretty tight i'd say.

  • Just my opinion but, come over the top here. Isolate him if he calls or possibly take down the pot there. If he's willing to call big bets or bet into 2nd pair chances are you'll get him heads up with an over the top bet and be way out in front. If he outdraws you, so be it. If you double up here though, you have a great chance to win. Either way over the top.
  • The most important information, which is still MIA, is what loco has been raising with preflop (if anything at all).

  • Yes so far, all we know is that he has been calling a lot, not raising a lot.

    With his large raise (which sometimes means JJ) you can only shove or fold, anything else and you are pot committing yourself.

    With pokertracker, anything over a pfr% of 10, I probably shove, anything less and I fold.
  • You got it right on Moose, I pushed with my 10's to isoloate. My thought, obviously incorrect, was that I was racing, either against AK, AQ or ahead against a lower pair. I also felt that if I go over top and he calls, winning the hand would put me in the top 10 in chips with only 70 people left. He had JJ's and I didnt suck out. It was a frustrating way to end and I wasnt sure if I miss played the hand. Folding in that situation would still leave me around 30th in chips at the time with lots of play left in my stack. He had just moved to my table so I didnt have alot of info on him.

  • Push all in, it's a 2.20$ buy in so I dont give credit to any of these players for knowing what the hell they're doing. Either increase your stack by 10-15%, race to double up, dominate in an 80-20% for be in the unlucky situation of 20-80.
    But in a 2.20$ MTT where only the top 5 get payouts worth something, I'd push here every time.
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