Oh My Freckin God Have You Ever!!!!!

OK case senro... Joe and I go out tonight... FIrst night out in a long time together.. Due to work and stuff... We go for supper at mexicana resturant Way good food... Walk in Bradford. ok crosssing street at lights wee have green light.. I start walking Joe behind me.. SMACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get hit by a car... spns me around slams me on the ground.. ok sorry you guys who dont like swearing and shit.. But HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
next thing I hear Joe banging on guys hood.. Me trying to figure out and gut up off the ground what the hell is goiing on.. I look see JOe slappin some guy and saying "What the fuck you not watching where you going.,....

SOme older man.. about 50ish or so.. I didnt see her..Joe says watch were your going.. we leave sence.. Not thinking.. Of course I am kinda in shock..

KK.... let me explain a bit.. I am walking with greeen light.. some guy turning left on green.. hits me.... OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am looking for JOe so i am kinda truning to the right.. So buddy in the car hits me on the left spins me around basicaly, 360 to land on my left again... Next thing I know or hear is bang bang Bang ... This is Joe banging on the guys hood... the guy stops and turns his car off.. what the hell.... Joes says you just hit my girlfriend.. Guy says I didnt see you or her... ... I see JOe smacking this guy in the head saying Watcah where your going asss... he takes offf. We contuinue on...

We didnt even think of getting his liecence number or anything... THat was dumb/.. I figure we were both kinda in shock about the whole thing..

Now What do we doo??????

Sorry for the typos I am kinda looped now sheesh ......
I am also kinda still freaked out by the whole thing......


  • Jesus, Amiee, I hope you're alright. Should have at least tried to get the license number of the car, but since you didn't, not sure what can be done. God knows the fear Joe must have put on the guy. Hopefully he'll think twice before getting behind the wheel again.

    Maybe some one saw the guy as well. Regardless though, Amiee, I hope you're alright.
  • Hope you are ok.

    If he left the scene, make sure you report it to the police with any info you can provide.
  • Well I echo everyone elses sentiments Aimee, hopefully nothing more than a bruise or two... Definitely report it but unless there are other witnesses, not likely he can be found... But really Joe should not have taken matters into his own hands, perhaps the guy took off out of fear? If Joe was pounding on my hood and slapping me around I may have taken off as well. Perhaps the guy reported Joe? Maybe they're looking for him?
    In any case I'm sure it was an accident and we're all thankfull your ok... tell Joe to calm down and think about your welfare, not pounding on the other guy.
  • Hope you're OK, Aimee.

    Some people, eh?
  • Wow! I hope you are alright.

    You definately should have gotten the plates. But if your boyfriend assaulted the guy and you are actually uninjured I don't think I'd persue it any further.
  • I seem to be ok just really sore this morning...

    Ok as for Joe lol..I didnt mean to make it sound like he beat the guy up...
    He only did What I would have done to make the guy stop and see what he did... The guy claimed hedidnt see us... So this is why he was not going to stop...
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