Right or Wrong move?

Had an experience last night on Paradise and thought I would share it.

A little background first....

$25 N/L Hold'Em

So far from what I can tell is this is a fairly loose table, generally multi-way pots with 5-6 players.

MrBluffsAlot sits on the Button. 9 :heart: 8 :heart: Chips $13.75 (I just lost a substantial pot w/top two pair A-K to a chaser on a flush w/10-7s??

a few limpers call, comes to me, I raise $2, sb calls, bb calls, all limpers call.

Flop 7 :heart: 10 :heart: 8 :club:

sb checks, bb, checks, next seat bets $1, call, call, call, I raise $1, sb folds, bb folds, next seat re-raises $2, call, call, fold, and i raise all-in

to digress... b4 I pushed all in, I figure this guy Q-10 or K-10 and the other two with relatively nothing to scare me (i've been watching them play for about an hour now)

However the raiser seems to be a fairly tight player and I expect him to fold.

I get called by all three of them!?!

Uh-Oh, now I'm worried

not when the turn card hits though.... J :heart:

river......Honestly, I can't remember much after seeing that 7 :D

Mr. Reraiser shows flush to the Ace with A :heart: Q :heart:

other two muck their hands.

MrBluffsAlot lays down a Straight Flush to the Jake and takes down $37.45

I'll be the first to admit that I got a little lucky, but why would they call me? I was trying to scare them off with my all-in? The problem is that I never got to see the other player's hands. They might have had a straight I guess? But they mucked their hands? I guess that's just what happens in Low-Limit, On-Line Poker. Anyone will call almost Anything and Everything!

Anyway, thanks for the ears guys. Did I make the right move? Your expertise of enlightenment will be heeded!



  • Not to crazy with the way this was played. I am not sure what the blinds are but I guess .50/1 ?

    Anyway, I don't think you had enough chips to push anyone out of the pot. Your reraise all in would have only been like $5ish into a much larger pot. The flush draw was getting good odds and the other two got even better odds on their hands as each player calls your bet.

    On side note I never show my cards unless I have too.

  • Yeah, your probably right Jimmi... One thing I did forget to mention though was that my all-in forced everyone all in, except for A-Q man. I think it brought him down to about $2-3?
  • i'm not a regular no limit player... but why did you want to get people out necessarily? you have a pair and a straight flush draw... if you don't have the best hand at the moment, which is possible if unlikely, you have a VERY good chance to improve. i don't think its that important to worry about callers with a hand like that, nice hand!
  • I guess that's just what happens in Low-Limit, On-Line Poker. Anyone will call almost Anything and Everything!

    Yeah they'll do weird things like raise with hands they want to see cheap flops with. Bet small amounts when the flop smacks them in the face and then spike their two outter to win.

    If I had to guess your opponents hands, I'd say one had Top pair, The 2nd had a straight draw, then the guy with the Flush draw with 2 overcards (usually the favourite in this scenario) and yourself. Everyones got a reason to see this to the end (in their own minds).
  • The problem is that I never got to see the other player's hands. They might have had a straight I guess? But they mucked their hands?

    Did you look at the hand history? Many sites (including Paradise) will show you any hands that were present at the showdown even if they were not voluntarily shown.

  • Without all the information I will say this; at the point you went all-in if they had any kind of hand or draw then they were probably getting descent odds to call. This is especially true if it is their last few dollars.

    Oh, very nice results with your straight flush! Gotta love when you hit a hand like that.

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Did you look at the hand history? Many sites (including Paradise) will show you any hands that were present at the showdown even if they were not voluntarily shown.


    :banghead: DID NOT KNOW THAT!! I mean I knew you could get hand histories but I never knew I could see the Mucked Hands.

    Thanks for the tip Scotty!
  • :banghead: DID NOT KNOW THAT!! I mean I knew you could get hand histories but I never knew I could see the Mucked Hands.

    Thanks for the tip Scotty!

    A lot of people don't know that. It's great when you got the actors at the table who muck their hand and say they had something better.

    actor: "oh well, I had KJo"

    *i check the log*

    djw666: "you mean K2o"


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