
So there's my few days of craziness. I made the forum fun and interesting for myself (and I hope maybe one or two similarly sick others) for a little bit.

This used to be the norm, random debate, flame wars etc. I can't hold the fort on my own.

So here's my challenge, whatever your post average is try to at least double it for one week. Post about whatever you feel like discussing, and create at least one thread.

This forum had slowed to a crawl..lets do something about it.


  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    So there's my few days of craziness. I made the forum fun and interesting for myself (and I hope maybe one or two similarly sick others) for a little bit.

    This used to be the norm, random debate, flame wars etc. I can't hold the fort on my own.

    So here's my challenge, whatever your post average is try to at least double it for one week. Post about whatever you feel like discussing, and create at least one thread.

    This forum had slowed to a crawl..lets do something about it.

    Let me tell you, I have held up my fair share of threads in 2007. Little bit of flame wars, etc.
  • Sorry Kristy I've been busy at work, as soon as I slow down I'll tackle you and flame you and make your day. Until then hold the fort. I know it's tough but your a chick and can handle it.
  • actually I'm busy telling the people who only msn'd and e-mail'd that I'm "a strong girl and can handle it" they're pussies for not posting it here.(and even bigger cowards if they tried to publicly ride the fence)

    Thanks for having some balls Joe.

    Let's flame-war over the level of Tim Horton's drive-through service...I think I may have permanently deafened a drive through attendant last night who was being a rancid b*tch.

    (Haddon actually burst out laughing and said 'bad read, honey' to her when she was first short with me)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    who was being a rancid b*tch.
    Speaking of being a rancid b*tch....

    See ya tomorrow Kristy, don't lose it all before I get there....
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    actually I'm busy telling the people who only msn'd and e-mail'd that I'm "a strong girl and can handle it" they're pussies for not posting it here.(and even bigger cowards if they tried to publicly ride the fence)

    Thanks for having some balls Joe.

    Let's flame-war over the level of Tim Horton's drive-through service...I think I may have permanently deafened a drive through attendant last night who was being a rancid b*tch.

    (Haddon actually burst out laughing and said 'bad read, honey' to her when she was first short with me)

    Well see I don't rate to get an e mail off you or an msn. So I'll have to take it here then.

    Drive through service sucks, that's why I get out of my car and tell them what the hell I want. I'm sick of whawhawhawha through a speaker where I know they don't understand me and I sure as hell dont' know what they are saying. People park your car and get up off your ass and go inside.

    Nuff said for now.

    Have a good weekend Kristy.... lighten up... :)
  • I've never had the priviledge of being involved in a flame war so let me choose a different angle to your original question:

    Time Horton's (or any) drive through is almost never a better alternative to going inside:

    Here's my case:

    1) There is only one time being in a drive through is good and that's when the line is empty (I'll start with your best case scenerio)
    2) If there is any line at all, I can almost 100% guarentee that there is no line (or it's shorter) inside, this is from years of observation and experience on my part and on the part of my wife who has worked there for a few years
    3) You have to stop your car, get out and go back inside if there's a mistake made If you are inside you can either a) check when it's handed to you and make a correction immediately OR b) check it as it's being made
    4) You will and have gotten stuck behind some yahoo who has ordered 4 dozen coffees, 3 sandwich combos, 2 soup and sandwich combos and 5 bagels. Inside, you have more than one CSR (in all but the most small and badly run Timmies) so you have an alternate lane, in the drive-through you are stuck waiting (and waiting since there's 3 more people ahead and they all want to do this)
    5) Generally they put the most incompetent staff on drive-through, have you ever noticed a 'team' of people when you pull up to that window, yet a single person or 2 person tandem when you are inside? That's because none of those people in that team could handle a customer 1 on 1.
    6) Stop wasting gas, seriously people who sit in drive-through lines with their cars running rank only second to NASCAR and other race fans in the group of people who have NO right to bitch about the price of gas. If you didn't waste it, maybe it wouldn't be so high. And stop contributing to pollution, thanks!
    7) Sheer laziness, get out of your cars and walk the 15 feet into the store, chances are you could use the exercise (this is a general one, not specific to anyone on this forum)
  • Ha!!! Dont get me started on drive through.... If my keyboard was working right, I would tell yea... :(
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