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River Rock Question

Anyone know what limits they usually play at the River Rock Casino in the poker rock... hold em games? I mean Club Regent in Winnipeg, Man only says they have a 50/100 game but noone ever plays it... I was there the other night and all 5 poker tables were playing 3/6 limit.

So I was wondering about River Rock and what limits you CAN actually play if you walk into the casino poker room at any given night too play hold em, thanks everyone.


  • 2/4,4/8,8/16,15/30,30/60, NL (blinds are 3/6) and on request 50/100, 75/150
  • Nice limits... sounds really good. Always lots of people there?
  • Its been packed everytime i've been there.
  • on average there are about 7-8 tables week days and the full 20 on week ends open. they will only open one no limit table regardless of the wait list.
    and while ive seen the 50/100 game up and running only once a 30/60 game is open daily
  • the 30-60 game hasnt been as solid as it used to be....sometimes its not running....but 15-30 is always running (they even played with a kill yesterday, thats new).......and everything lower is always running

    the 50-100 hasnt been seen in a long time

    and actually, on a couple days in the past week, they have opened 2 no limit tables....which is something they didnt do for a long time...
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