Great News For Me!!

Hi all:

The poker site I play on sent me an email tonight saying they wanna bank roll me to play in the "remaining" Monte Carlo Millions sats. Told me they have no one from their site going and me being one of their top 20 players they're willing to pay for me to try and win a seat on their behalf!!!

Isn't that cool!!! :D:D:D

Go :canada: Go


  • Go get 'em, Tiger. ;)

    That's awesome dude. I've never heard of a site doing that before... you're a very lucky guy! Now make the most of it and get yourself into the big one. How many sats are they paying your way into?

  • here's the 2nd email I got

    Hi There Tigerscott,

    That's great news.

    Here is what I would like to happen.
    Please go ahead and play in however many STT satellites ($5, $10 and $20) it takes to get a seat into the next level and I can reimburse you for all the ones you don't succeed in.
    If you can send me a list of the Tournament ID's I can reimburse you right away.
    This way you can pick and choose whichever ones you like and you are not bound by any restrictions.

    Let me know what you think and I can ensure you get your entry fees back right away.

    I look forward to hearing from you and you getting a seat to Monte Carlo :-)
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