MTT, when to shove light over maniac.

Playing a low limit since I'm on a skid and and want to work on my aggression some. Rebuy period ended about 50 minutes ago.

Villian here is a maniac who has decided he is going to pick up every pot based on sheer aggression and it's working, other guy limps every pot pf and folds every flop unless he hits. I decide it's time to get involved and see if I can slow this guy down. He c-bets 100%.

His line here makes no sense to me so.....I guess there's a chance he has a set but it looks like air, maybe 67 or j 10. Do you like my play here?

*********** # 1 **************
PokerStars Game #13406329194: Tournament #67348707, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2007/11/22 - 20:01:25 (ET)
Table '67348707 138' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Hamburga22 (6005 in chips)
Seat 2: TheRock99999 (13390 in chips)
Seat 3: Ligit_ID (4915 in chips)
Seat 4: Pocono_Pimp (8195 in chips)
Seat 5: PUSHER51 (25580 in chips)
Seat 6: tinytom (10795 in chips)
Seat 7: chaos_qc (24475 in chips)
Seat 8: hyd0ok (9580 in chips)
Seat 9: Akala16 (19235 in chips)
Hamburga22: posts the ante 25
TheRock99999: posts the ante 25
Ligit_ID: posts the ante 25
Pocono_Pimp: posts the ante 25
PUSHER51: posts the ante 25
tinytom: posts the ante 25
chaos_qc: posts the ante 25
hyd0ok: posts the ante 25
Akala16: posts the ante 25
Ligit_ID: posts small blind 200
Pocono_Pimp: posts big blind 400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Akala16 [4c 5c]
PUSHER51: calls 400
tinytom: calls 400
chaos_qc: folds
hyd0ok: folds
Akala16: calls 400
Hamburga22: folds
TheRock99999: folds
Ligit_ID: folds
Pocono_Pimp: checks
*** FLOP *** [5h 2d 9c]
Pocono_Pimp: checks
PUSHER51: bets 1600
tinytom: folds
Akala16: calls 1600
Pocono_Pimp: folds
*** TURN *** [5h 2d 9c] [Qs]
PUSHER51: checks
Akala16: bets 3200
PUSHER51: calls 3200
*** RIVER *** [5h 2d 9c Qs] [Qd]
PUSHER51: bets 4000
Akala16: raises 10010 to 14010 and is all-in


  • Playing a low limit since I'm on a skid and and want to work on my aggression some. Rebuy period ended about 50 minutes ago.
    So you limped from the CO? Your aggression still needs a lot of work.

  • g2 wrote: »
    So you limped from the CO? Your aggression still needs a lot of work.


    I'm not in the CO. Even if I was, flippant remarks don't make for good discussion IMO. Thanks.
  • It reads to me like he can't beat a queen, but can beat most other hands.

    T9 maybe?

    I like your push, but I suspect you got called and beat by a 9, or a queen.
  • I'm not in the CO. Even if I was, flippant remarks don't make for good discussion IMO. Thanks.
    Sorry, CO-1. Still LP either way. Sorry if you felt my reply "lacked seriousness", if that is what you meant by referring to it as a "flippant".

    Anyway, assuming you agree you are in LP, the aggressive play would be to raise. Limping in LP is soooo weak.

  • Why would you ever raise the river? He's not folding hands that have you beat, just call him if you insist on playing sheriff. Also you should check the turn, your hand is too weak and you're going to put yourself in terrible spots by bloating the pot if you get checkraised or call/lead into like in the hand. Check behind, control pot size, snap off his river bluff, and get the rest later when you have a stronger hand or at least a better spot. Playing passively against a maniac is usually the easiest way to get his money.
  • check behind turn... call river
    river raise is terrible... i suspect you have the best hand but why turn your hand into a bluff? You say he may have a set but it looks like air... air folds to a shove, a set doesnt. If you have the best hand calling and raising win you the same amount of chips. If you dont have the best hand raising costs you your tourney where as calling keeps in.
  • Raising at any point here is not good.

    Think about how a maniac plays his hands. They are always betting, at every pot. They gobble up all the pots that no one wants to play with them and often the whole table becomes passive. Everyone esle starts waiting to flop a set or 2 pair or some other monster type hand.

    Finally someone gets a big hand. The maniac bets. They raise and the maniac...........

    Folds. Like everytime. Just call against this guy so he can continue to try and bully you out of the pot.

    Pushing the river is bad because he is likely calling with any hand that beats you and folding all the hands you already beat. This bet can lose you money but never makes any.
  • Maniac folded and the hand was a turning point. But I figured something about my play smelled pretty bad.

    Aprecciate the feedback as always.

    Preflop: I think was fine. I don't like to raise and fold pre. I've got 4 guys behind who could 3 bet + the maniac, who is easily capable of limp 3 betting. I wanted to float and hammer the maniac.

    Turn: See preflop. Of course the problem being maniacs don't go away on the turn. His check/call should have told me I was good on the river.

    River: Stupid shove. I know better than that.

    However posting this caused me to give my head a shake and play some decent poker last night. HOLLA!
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