Wow, 8 users at once today. This place is growing!

It's really taking off this week!


  • Ok, already it is at 11. But my point still stands!
  • I heard about this site from djw, I love this forum!
  • I agree, nice forum. Interesting topics, close to home, nice people. Absence of spam. Overall a good home.

  • I'm really happy with the growth over a short period. I'm going to keep getting the name out there as much as possible and keep on top of spam, so it will never be an issue. :)

    Let's join hands in a circle and sing "we are the world"'s that kind of touching moment. :lol:
  • I'm really happy with the growth over a short period.

    That's what she said.

  • LOL two burns already today! poor sloth...
  • <----getting ready to use his mighty BAN HAMMER 8)
  • [ducks and cowers in corner]


  • hahaha ScottZ likes it when you mention your hammer.. he gets all excited.
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