FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! (satellite internet)

Ok I've had it with this dial-up hogwash, but I'm hopelessly lost in trying to educate myself before I pay the monster fees associated with xplornet etc.

I swear I really tried, but I'm computer-handicapped.

If someone with some internet savvy, or experience in this field could spare a few minutes to offer any suggestions on which companies are legit or advice (even on things as basic as how you figure out which package you need) I'd really apprectiate it! I don't want to make a $1000 mistake.

I don't know what's relevant but I've got three+ computers that need to run at the same time with at least reasonable efficiency.

All I want to do is dl a lot of porn and play poker and post randomness here.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can shine some light on my technological dark-ages!

(no I don't actually dl porn; but only because I don't know how)


  • Well first of all, is satellite your only choice, ie do you not have cable where you are or is one of the DSL services not available, ie Sympatico?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Ok I've had it with this dial-up hogwash, but I'm hopelessly lost in trying to educate myself before I pay the monster fees associated with xplornet etc.

    I don't know what's relevant but I've got three+ computers that need to run at the same time with at least reasonable efficiency.

    All I want to do is dl a lot of porn and play poker and post randomness here.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can shine some light on my technological dark-ages!

    Speaking personally, I have DSL internet through sympatico and it's just fine for what I use it for (ie poker, music downloads, banking, surfing, etc) I have a wireless router and all my computers in my house networked together and it works great. (being a pretty normal guy with pretty average computer knowledge that's pretty impressive IMO) I don't know where you live but unless you're out in major wilderness there should be some other provider, other than some satellite internet company, that can give you at least the equivilant of DSL (rogers has "lite" for like 30ish bucks a month that's comparable to DSL speeds) Bell Sympatico also has other solutions for more rural areas that are (I think) cheaper than going the sat route.

    Hope this helps at least a little
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well first of all, is satellite your only choice, ie do you not have cable where you are or is one of the DSL services not available, ie Sympatico?

    No cable, no sympatico, and I'm out of the area for the other Bell one too. (WiMAX, I think it is called)
  • You got to love a woman that appreciates porn
  • so you're all as lost as I am on this?
  • Where do you live that you don't have cable? Have you tried all of these?

    [URL="h"]Bell Canada[/URL]
    Cogeco Cable
    Rogers Cable
    Shaw Cable

  • I know that where Kristy lives that there is a good chance there is no cable available. It is hard to believe, but there are places where you can only access the internet through dial-up and cell phones don't work.
  • I know that where Kristy lives that there is a good chance there is no cable available. It is hard to believe, but there are places where you can only access the internet through dial-up and cell phones don't work.
    The dark side of the moon?

  • I know that where Kristy lives that there is a good chance there is no cable available. It is hard to believe, but there are places where you can only access the internet through dial-up and cell phones don't work.

    I've got to admit I'm curious. Is it the bottom of a mine shaft? Sudbury? Both sound equally horrible IMO.
  • actually my neighbours are farther away than that-some big city livin' ^^^

    I'm just outside of St. Agatha (near waterloo) but it is some sort of blackhole for technological advancement...which is probably why I like it here so much.

    Trust me, I've called everyone and their uncle, there is no cable and the bell services will not work out here.
  • Have you looked at TelusMobility?

    They have unlimited plans for $75/month for 144kbs (I think) access.

    You would by a card (~$30 on a 3yr contract) and a pcmcia adapter for your computer if you don't have one. Set up internet connection sharing so the others can connect.

    A bit convoluted, but it should work for what you want.
  • Thanks!

  • Be happy you've got a telephone line then.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Have you looked at TelusMobility?

    They have unlimited plans for $75/month for 144kbs (I think) access.

    You would by a card (~$30 on a 3yr contract) and a pcmcia adapter for your computer if you don't have one. Set up internet connection sharing so the others can connect.

    A bit convoluted, but it should work for what you want.

    Ron, I believe if she doesn't have good cell service then this wouldn't work either..
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'm just outside of St. Agatha (near waterloo) but it is some sort of blackhole for technological advancement...which is probably why I like it here so much.

    I done hear that they have just started seeing the horseless carriage out that way. :)
  • morty wrote: »
    I've got to admit I'm curious. Is it the bottom of a mine shaft? Sudbury? Both sound equally horrible IMO.

    One of my favourite places in the world is inaccessible to cell phones and cable or DSL internet -- a family cottage in Muskoka.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Ron, I believe if she doesn't have good cell service then this wouldn't work either..

    They also carry Cellular Modems that can have an external antenna for better signal. They are mainly used for mobile apps.

    Not sure if that would help out that way, but it may be worth checking out (and may be cheaper than sat)
  • I just keep my head down and try not to make eye contact or speak when I visit our general they don't burn me for witchcraft.

    Cell phone service is mediocre. But I can always ask Telus about that when I call them on Mon.

    Thanks again
  • So, did you ever resolve your internet situation?
  • yes, I go to Mario's or Mark's and play. ;)

    The Telus idea would work but costs the same as Sat. if you're not willing to sign a three year contract and the salesperson told me it is only 5x faster than dial up.

    Someday I'll learn enough about sat. internet to make the plunge.
  • If you have a land line you should be able to get dsl.. Where the hell are you in bumfucknowhere???? No wonder why your always gettin lost going anywhere sheesh .... I feel for ya i do remember those days when I had dialup and it sucked large. I will never go back to dialup... ever I would rather be without puter then that.. :) Good luck with this...
  • If you have a land line you should be able to get dsl.. Where the hell are you in bumfucknowhere???? No wonder why your always gettin lost going anywhere sheesh .... I feel for ya i do remember those days when I had dialup and it sucked large. I will never go back to dialup... ever I would rather be without puter then that.. :) Good luck with this...

    She's at the buttcrack of
    Problem with DSL is you need to be within a certain distance of a switching station (I think that's what they are called), so there is a limit to it.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    She's at the buttcrack of
    Problem with DSL is you need to be within a certain distance of a switching station (I think that's what they are called), so there is a limit to it.
    CO = Central Office

  • g2 wrote: »
    CO = Central Office


    Thanks g2...couldn't remember the exact term
  • Problem do you get directions from nowhere to anywhere but here?
  • simple, you click on the google link from my house to yours...
  • for petes sakes you guys quit makin me laugh It freakin hurts my neck. everytime I laugh at you all....
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